005 cherry blossoms started to bloom on the first day of summer, after a hundred years, miraculously.
warning: a long chapter
"What's this about yeobo?" Lia asked, sounding clueless as Louis put a blindfold on her. "Ya, my birthday is tomorrow." She said, acting grumpy and trying to hit Louis but kept on missing since she can't see anything.
"I'm sorry if I'm not able to take you on tuesdates anymore, or if we rarely go out these days. I just want you to know that you're the greatest blessing that I received up to this day, and that I love you. You know that, right? I love you and I won't leave you ever."
"Am I gonna die tomorrow?" She jokingly asked.
"Don't peek!"
"How can I peek when you placed it so tightly?" She argued back.
"Yeobo when I count to three, remove your blindfold okay?" Louis excitingly remarked as he started to count until three. "One, two, three..."
Lia removed the blindfold quickly, she stared at the envelopes in front of her together with their passport. She glanced at Louis and her lips started to form a huge smile.
"I want to celebrate your twenty-fourth birthday in Japan. I've prepared all the documents, I've called your mom too. I know that you've been missing Japan a lot."
Before Lia could speak, she stood up and hugged Louis tightly. "I didn't need a big surprise like this. I told you right? Even if we just lie here tomorrow doing nothing it'll still be special to me. You are the greatest surprise of my life-"
"Then should I cancel our flight?" He jokingly teased Lia.
She grabbed onto her documents on the table. "Ey, you must've had a hard time processing these documents alone, it'd be a waste if you cancel it."
He pressed her nose gently. "You snob." He teased. "I love you."
Her smile grew bigger. "I love you too." She hugged him again, this time more tight. "I'll never forget everything that you've done for me." She said, reassuring him.
He hugged her back. "I love you Yoshida Tsubaki!" He shouted her full Japanese name at the top of his lungs.
Boongie then approached them both, in which Lia carried him like a baby. "Bong-boongie! Your appa and I are going to Japan tomorrow-" she stopped what she was saying and looked at Louis. "Who's going to take care of Boongie?" She asked.
"I've already told Charlie beforehand, so don't worry about Boongie." He assured her.
As soon as Lia stepped out of New Chitose Airport in Sapporo, she suddenly extended both of her arms as if she's hugging the air of Japan. She missed Japan so much, she's just not admitting it to Louis, although Louis already knew.
"It's so sad that the cherry blossom season in Hokkaido is already over." She said, seemingly disappointed.
"Cherry blossom season usually starts late in Hokkaido." Louis explained.
"But it's unusual that it'll bloom now that it's summer," She said and glanced into Louis, looking excited. "We're not here for cherry blossom anyways, where should we go first?" She asked.
"We should eat first, I've been wanting to eat some authentic Japanese food." Louis said, holding Lia's hand. "Ka-ja!"
After eating, they went to Mount Hakodate, which to both of them haven't change at all. They loved going to Mount Hakodate during their high school days. They'd go twice a week catching the sunset together and enjoying the view of Hokkaido. It's best to go at Mount Hakodate during sunset to dusk, seeing the transition of the skies' colors will definitely take anyone's breath away.
While walking down at Hakodate Park, Lia noticed the cherry blossom trees and stopped walking.
"Oh-" she pointed. "There are still some cherry blossoms!" She excitingly said to Louis.
"Like a miracle." He said.
Lia held Louis' hand and smiled. "Like a miracle." She repeated, looking at him. "I think it's the first time in a hundred years, I must be lucky."
"Do you like my birthday present? I specifically talked to the cherry blossoms and told them to extend their season until today." He joked.
The cool wind blew in their direction, carrying some green leaves along their way. It's the first day of summer, however it seems like late spring decided to extend its day just for Lia's birthday. Like a miracle.
He faced Lia and gently fixed her hair that's gotten into her face due to the wind. He slowly kissed her forehead. "Happy Birthday." He said, giving her a hug.
She hugged her back. "You're being extra sweet lately, I'm starting to get nervous." She joked, giving a small laugh. "Can we visit outosan? I miss him."
"I was about to say that. Let's go!" He held Lia's hand and led the way as both of them sightsee the beauty of Hakodate Park with some other tourists and some locals as well.
When they reached where Lia's father lies, both of them paid respect by kneeling down. Lia soon offered the basket of white Camellia flowers in front of her otousan's tombstone. Louis followed by lighting a candle.
"Papa, I'm about to be accepted in my dream company as a screenwriter. Aren't you proud of me? I'm going to pursue my dream instead of settling for a job that I don't want. I'm going to be a director like you, through my hard work. I'm really happy these past few years thanks to someone," she paused and looked at Louis. "I'm doing well, and so is mom. Mom found a new hobby, home shopping. She happily spends all the money that I wire her." Lia said, her voice breaking. She tries hard not to let her tears fall, she misses her otousan so much, after all.
Louis started to gently pat her back without saying anything. Everything is so quiet and peaceful. Only the wind blowing through the trees and the sound of birds can be heard. Louis gave Lia enough time and didn't say anything. He knew Lia missed her dad so much ever since his passing due to Alzhemeir's a year after Lia's college graduation. When Lia was ready to leave, Louis asked permission to give him five minutes. He told Lia that he wants to say something privately to her father. They both agreed to meet at the entrance.
When Louis is finally alone, he bowed while kneeling in front of Lia's tombstone. "Ojisan," he paused. The wind suddenly blew passed him, as if it was answering him "Thank you for giving us your blessing when we first started our relationship." He started.
Flashbacks of their childhood came rushing back to Louis. Ever since they moved next to the Yoshida's, their families eventually grew close over time. Both of their dads enjoy spending mornings with a cup of coffee and a small chat about how the world is rapidly changing, sometimes, sports, and politics.
Lia's father had always been more like of an older brother to Louis than an uncle. When he'd get scolded by his appa for not getting high remarks, it was Lia's father who would bring him some hot milk and cookies to cheer him up. It's not that he's condoning Louis. It's just, he understands. Lia's dad was their atmosphere maker, he was like the sunshine in the Yoshida's family. Always smiling and greeting everyone warmly. To Louis, Lia must've get her warmness from her father. Louis had always described Yoshida-sama as a very warm person, he always believed that even the hardest block of snow would melt by Yoshida-sama's warmth. When Louis told Lia's father about his feelings, it was Lia's father himself told him to get Lia, and that he's been rooting for him from the start.