Chapter 6 - Bargaining the Fates

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A firm, insistent rapping brought Arzai around to full waking. There was someone knocking on the tower door. Incredulous that someone would disturb the Magicol at this early hour, Arzai slid out of bed and reached for her favorite black, grey and white night-robe. Woven from the spun hair of khyaru deer, it shimmered like a second silver skin in the pre-dawn light. The knocking came again, and Arzai hurried out of her room, down the spiraling metal staircase and through the main tower to answer it. Her long dark hair fluttered behind her legs like a cloak, but there was no time to bind it. Fully intending to make whoever was calling account for their boldness, Arzai drew herself up to her full height and narrowed her red eyes imperiously before drawing back the bolt and throwing the door open.

It threw Arzai somewhat off her burgeoning diatribe to find the captain of the Knights of Amenthis on the threshold, accompanied by four of his men. Captain Sabin had himself been sent to Amenthere from Hashodi to replace the previous captain over a decade ago. His brilliant and ingenious mind was a credit to the castle guard, and Arzai liked the northerner well enough. This morning though his customarily expressive face seemed schooled into impassivity. Sabin eyed Arzai as though they were strangers.

"Red Obad Arzai, you and the rest of the Magicol are summoned before the king."

Somewhat taken aback by the abruptness of such a summons, Arzai lifted her chin in acknowledgement. "Very well, I will rouse Master Tomur and-"

"Master Tomur has already been before the king, as has Blue Obad Margalee. You and the rest will come now."

Arzai hadn't heard either Margalee or Tomur leave. Frowning, she nodded. "We will be there as soon as we may, once we are arisen and made presentable."

"No," Captain Sabin said coolly. "You will come now."

"What, this very instant?"


Something struck Arzai as being very, very amiss. With a curt nod, she stepped back from the knights.

"I'll go and fetch the others."

Sabin stepped forward into the tower, ignoring the artistry of his surroundings. It was not lost on Arzai that he and the other knights all had their hands resting on the pommels of their swords.

"We will be waiting here to escort you when you return," he said.

As Arzai hurried back up to the stairs to the dormitories she tried not to let her thoughts get ahead of her. Something was wrong, something was very wrong indeed. Whatever it was, Margalee and Master Tomur were somehow involved. Had Margalee met with harm? The thought made Arzai's heart clench with silent fear. She said nothing of it though when she called Bvhoros, Davenir and the Ovates from their rooms. Still, the emptiness of Margalee's room when she passed by did nothing to allay her concerns. What had last night wrought?


The trip from the Tower of the Elements to the royal apartments was a short one, but it felt far longer, still in their night clothes as they were and flanked on all sides by the Knights of Amenthis. Arzai kept her shoulders thrown back though, refusing to show even a glimmer of nervousness. The Ovates whispered furtively amongst themselves as they walked through the castle halls. Arzai could practically feel the tension vibrating through the air around Davenir. Only Bvhoros seemed similarly inclined as Arzai to keep his peace. It was strange to see all of the Green Obad's hair out in the open; he had managed to twist it into a knot on top of his head as they left, but there had been no time for his elaborate cloth wraps. It made Arzai feel a little better for some reason. If she had to go before the king with her hair down, then at least she would have company in her undress.

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