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Talking back to the refs and starting fights has become a problem for me. I haven't gotten through all our playoff games without getting thrown in the box.
But finally we made it to the championship.
Of course I was our team's hotshot player like I have been all year. The hawks have left us alone throughout our playoff games, but we all knew they were going to try their best to take as many of us out as possible. Starting with me.
Our teams glared at each other while the crowd sang the national anthem.
McGill, and Larson winked at me as my eyes scanned their team.
Finally my eyes landing on Banks who was already looking at me. I looked into his eyes and felt myself being pulled deeper and deeper into his trance.
As the crowd finished singing I had to try my best to peal my eyes away from his.
"Alright Ducks, we made it this far. I'm proud of you kids, win or loose. Now we need to focus they'll be going after "Jet" because some of them have seen first hand how good she is and will have most likely told Riley already. Alright get ready,
'Quack quack quack quack quack quack quack Quack quack quack quack quack quack.... goooooo!!! Ducks!! We all cheered and took the ice, me going to face off.
I unfortunately had to go against McGill.
I could feel his smirk as I skated up to the line with my head down. I got into position and lifted my head, looking at him.
His smirk grew when he saw my face.
"Hiya princess" he said
"Hiya ass" I replied and his smirk dropped a little.
The ref dropped the puck and I went after it. Winning it surprisingly.
But I was then slammed into the boards by a smirking Larson.
What's up with hawks and smirking.
I got up, determined not to be taken out of this game.
I smirked as Jesse flipped McGill over his back.
I skated behind Larson and finally got in front of him, skating backwards, fast.
I smiled innocently and took the puck from him. I passed it to Charlie who was open then stopped abruptly.
Larson couldn't stop and ran into me, practically tackling me to the ground.
I heard everyone in the arena gasp.
Larson was on top of me so I couldn't tell what they gasped about.
I pushed Larson who was smirking off of me so I could see what they were looking at.
I realized they were looking at me and Larson.
Although the game was still going on, and Charlie was in shooting range.
I screamed at Charlie to shoot and he followed my orders and shot.
I held my breath as the puck sailed across the ice. I saw it curving to the middle of the goal.
I knew then that it was going in. It was almost impossible for goalies to be able to save a shot in between their legs.
I cheered as soon as it went in and skated as fast as I could to Charlie.
He was cheering with both arms up in the air.
I literally jumped into Charlie's arms and hugged him.
"That was amazing Char!" I screamed and he laughed at my acting like a toddler.
He put me down a second later and the team had now come up to us and we did our group hug, then went back onto the ice.
This time Charlie took face off and I took his spot, even more unfortunately I was going up against Banks.
When you mix him and me, bad things are bound to happen. Even our teachers know not to put us in groups together because we'll just fight the whole time and not get any work done.
He smirked and I put my head down a little. I looked back up right as the red blew the whistle. Then I was pushed down by none other than Banks himself.
He was passed to by McGill as I was getting up.
Then Banks shot the puck from just outside the blue line.
It went to the top right side of the goal, Goldberg's glove side.
Unfortunately Goldberg missed it and were tied 1-1
Banks skated up to the back of me and placed his glove where it shouldn't have been.
Then he said,
"I've already scored 1, let's see if I can score with something else." He said removing his hand/glove and smirking.
"That's one!" He yelled to Jesse as he passed hitting off his helmet.
Jesse got mad and tried to go after him.
I took face off again, against Banks, again.
Banks got the puck and passed it to Larson who skated down the ice.
Banks pushed me over but me, being mad I hooked my stick around his skate and tripped him.
But just my luck, he fell on top of me and the crowd gasped again.
"You know Chambers I wouldn't be disappointed if we were in this position again, just at a different place and time." He smirked and got closer to my face, raising an eyebrow.
Luckily we both had our masks on so he couldn't get any closer than he already was but he could tell I was furious.
I pushed him off of me and he flipped over on his back.
"And I wouldn't mind if you were dead in a ditch" I replied skating off too help Jesse.
"Hey Jet, u ok?" He asked me as I reached him after he just scored another goal for the Ducks.
"I guess, I just wish the hawks would stop hitting on me. Like cool I'm a girl, I play hockey and am pretty good at it, doesn't make me free game." I replied giving him a small rant.
"Yeah, I wish I could say I know how you felt but I don't. I do know that as long as you have us around, nothing will happen to you." He said smiling putting his arm on my shoulder and as we skated to the bench as the 1st period ended.
After our pep talk. We went back on the ice to start the 2nd period.
Larson was now taking face off and he won it again, passing it to Banks then pushing me over. Jesse case and helped me up. I smiled at him and patted his shoulder pad, he returned it.
Banks had scored on Goldberg so the score was 3:2 hawks.
Jesse took face off because I was out for the rest of the period so I would be able to play well in 3rd period.
We scored once and the hawks didn't score at all in that period.
Then 3rd period came along.
I took face off like usual, against Banks.
He had this devilish smirk on his face as did McGill, Larson and even Coach Riley.
I knew what that smirk meant but it was too late to do anything now. I made sure Riley hadn't noticed I caught onto what he was planning and prepared for the worst.
As soon as the puck was dropped Banks knocked me over then skated away with the puck.
Goldberg saved that shot.
The same thing kept happening over and over again.
Then when McGill took face off I finally got the puck and raced down the ice. But Banks was playing defense.
I was heading straight to goal. With only their hot shot player too beat. Easier said than done I must say.
I looked behind me for a second and instantly regretted it. I saw McGill and Larson gaining on me.
There was nothing I could do. Everything went in slow motion. I faked Banks out but he recovered a second later and was now on my heals with McGill and Larson.
I shot the puck outside the blue line as hard and accurately as I could then braced for impact.
I was heading straight to the boards, because I couldn't stop.
Then as predicted McGill, Larson and Banks all slammed me into the boards at top speed.
I knew something was wrong at that instant, it was my elbow. When they finally got off me and skated back to face off, I looked at my arm. I wasn't crying, I wasn't screaming and was surprisingly in little pain.
My elbow had popped out of socket.
I cringed looking at it.
Connie screamed when she saw it making everyone in the stadium go quiet. Everyone stopped playing and looked at me.
Coach was about to rush onto the ice when I grabbed it with my other arm and popped it back in.
It hurt a little when I did it and was sore but I've played with worse pain.
Everyone cringed.
I winked at Charlie and he knew what I was ganna do.
I skated to Banks who had the puck and pushed him over, stealing it.
I then skated down the ice fast, so no one could catch me.
I shot the puck and it went in the top left corner, stick side.
Then I heard the buzzer signaling the end of the game.
I won it.
Everyone stood up and started cheering.
Out of nowhere Banks comes up to me and slams me into the boards.
I feel a sharp pain on my forehead and take off my helmet.
I place my hand on my forehead where it hurts then bring it down again, and saw blood.
"Thanks Banks, Thanks a Lot." I said then, everything went black, and I felt myself hit the ground for what seemed like the 100th time that game.

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