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Spartan X: "This temple it's always changing it's like a maze is there even a way to get out."
???: "It seems empty and abandoned."
???: "Yeah it does seem like it."
Spartan X: "It seems like two people already found the temple time to make a quick escape sorry who ever is in here but I'll save you another day."
Spartan X pulled out a smoke bomb to make a quick escape but he was grabbed by one of the men and dropped to the ground.
Spartan D: "Spartan X is that you?"
Spartan S: "It is you X how are you here on this planet and why?"
Spartan X: "You guys should know this is not a safe place. Their is a new type of alien species on this world. It could have been the ones that took down the Eagle. Besides why are you guys here."
Spartan S: "We are here searching for what took down the Eagle so had you seen it."
Spartan X: "A small bit but it could be unbelievable."
As Spartan X told the other Spartans of what happened in the deepest part of the temple one of the first xenomorph started to come out of a soldiers chest.
Spartan X: "Listen I'll make a deal ok. I'll help you all if you all say that I've died ok. That is all I want and one more question who is in charge of this mission."
Spartan D: "The person in charge is Paige after you left she took charge she had done very well hey maybe you two will tie it."
Spartan X: "Do I really need to knock you out. You know we need to leave now before those things show up so let's go on careful cause there are some still some hostels."
As the three Spartans made there way to base camp the hunters were watching them and there every move till they arrived at base camp.
Spartan D: "Man it's good to see the old team back together again now right Paige."
Spartan P: "What are you talking about we need is X but he's not here."
Spartan X: "Are you so sure about that Spartan. I did say the next time we meet things will soon go bad."
Spartan S: "Don't get mad that we did not arrived on time but we did found him and well we have some bad news."
As they told Spartan P. everything that has been going on Spartan N. was thrown across the camp then the Hunter revealed its self. Everyone pulled out there weapons and was ready to fire it till Spartan X took charge.
Spartan X: "Don't kill it we need it alive. This thing is a hunter he is looking for a challenge so I'll take it everyone else stay out of this ok this is going to be my fight."

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