Chapter Ten

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I woke with a jolt of pain in the middle of the night. I must have passed out. Darkness surrounded me inside the tent, cold air swirling dirt around.

I lie there, helpless. I felt lonely and afraid. We had barely survived the first day, how are we supposed to make it and entire month?

I began to cry.

I was crying for my family, I was crying out of fear, and I was crying out of pain.

I didn't know if I was going to survive. I thought of the family that was going to take care of us. Maybe they'll have lots of kids. Maybe they'll be old. And if we're lucky, they might have a cute guy.

I smirked.

My thoughts drowned out everything, including the pain in my elbow.


"Kenzie!" Maddie shook me awake. Her eyes were red and swollen, she must be in pain too. But, we still have to walk, a lot.

I get up and change slowly into a tank top and shorts.

It got below freezing at night, and was scorching during the day.

The sun hadn't come up yet, and the moon didn't look near setting when I got out of the tent.

I decided that I needed to wear my black leggings and coat. I went and changed then came back, satisfied with the warmth.

Maddie packed up the tent, very slowly. And I pulled out a loaf of bread and pulled two large pieces off.

After Maddie finished, she came and sat next to me on the ground. I handed her some bread and got up to grab my stuff.

I slipped on my shoes and wrapped my bag and satchel around me. I decided to take the bigger load.

Maddie got up and put on her bag.

I glanced at her forehead, the stitches were tight, but the bruising and redness around it concerned me.

Then again, it only happened yesterday.

We decided to walk until around midday.

We stayed silent for awhile. Until Maddie said something.

"What do you think it's like? In the dome."

"I think it's wonderful, I think that everyone has friends. And beautiful girlfriends and hot boyfriends. And I think that everyone has a say in what's happening. The government doesn't just make a decision, they vote. And books are everywhere, and everyone goes to school. Everything is perfect."

"Wow, what do you think you'll boyfriend and best friend will look like."

"I think my guy best friend will be blond with blue eyes. And my best friend will be a brunette. She'll have freckles and brown eyes. My boyfriend, he'll have blond hair and green eyes. What about you?"

"My best friend will be a brunette. And my boyfriend will too, I shouldn't have to describe them. They'll just be perfect."

"I wish I had a boyfriend."

"Me too." Maddie looked down.

"I'm 15, I should have a boyfriend." I sighed.

"Hun, I'm 17."

"Right. Well..."

We didn't say anything again for a while.

Then, the devil himself came above the horizon.

Heat immediately surrounded us as soon as the first peak of sun came up.

We stopped and quickly changed into tank tops and shorts.

Maddie groaned loudly.


"It hurt, like really bad." She wiped her cheek quickly, trying to hide it.

We packed up again and kept walking.

I started thinking about the number written on the creature.


I divided it up in my head.


I don't know...


Doesn't gov stand for government.

I stopped and stood in place.


She turned and looked at me.

"The government sent that creature."

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