****WARNING: This chapter may contain foul language!****
*The next Monday*
I thought today was going to be a normal day, but it wasn't. I really should have known, the past week had been strange. I hadn't heard a single command from my mother since my little act for Kiyomi's jealousy. My father hadn't spoken to me since then either.
"Oh well, what can you really do when everybody in your household hates you?" I mumble/ask myself as I put my hair into a ponytail. I head downstairs for breakfast.
"Morning, young Lady Kasumi." A servant says as my breakfast is placed in front of me.
"Morning. Do you know where my sister is, I haven't seen or heard her all morning." I declare.
"Of course, young Lady Kiyomi left very early, she said one of her friends needed to meet with her before school." He informed me. That sounds very strange. I brush off the weird feeling I was getting.
"Thank you very much." I ate as fast as I could trying not to get a stomach ache. I grabbed the boxed lunch that was made for me today.
I had gotten to school about thirty minutes before I had to be there. I moved as quickly as I could to the cherry blossom trees. I wanted to admire them for a while before I head inside.
Tamaki had taken my idea and wanted to have a cherry blossom viewing for the girls. Kyoya was pleased with my work. I was just happy that I made the two of them happy.
I walk over to the courtyard just as many students start to arrive. I scurry along to the little locker-like area that we have. I open mine and a pink envelope sits ontop of my shoes. I take it and change my shoes. I lean against my locker and read it.
Dear Kasumi,
You are such a little brat. You deserve to die in hell! If you think the host club actually care about you, you've made a big mistake. The only thing that the hosts care about, is having every girl in school in love with them. If you don't stay away from the host club, me and my friends will come after you and your life will be hell. Trust me, we won't stop until your miserable. The boys were ours first, so get your filthy paws off.
Your newest enemy~
People can be so vicious. I had no idea who the note could be from, I didn't recognize the handwriting. For some weird reason, I feel like following the instructions on the note. I guess I should just make my last year-and-a-quarter peaceful. I'll go to the library instead.
"Good Morning, Kitten." Tamaki greets me while coming around.
"Good Mor-" I'm about to greet him back when I remember what the note said. Instead I say, "Go away."
His happy smile melts away and he crawls into the nearby corner. He mumbles to himself, "I have no idea what happened. I thought she was happy with us, I thought she liked us. I must've done something wrong, I had to of done something wrong." I almost have the urge to go comfort him, but I walk away instead.
I sit in class right before lunch starts and aanother note falls on my desk. It says:
Did I do something wrong?
I crumple it and throw it in my bag with the others. The bell rings and I start standing. A hand on my shoulder forces me back into my chair.
"You will be sitting with us at lunch and explaining what your problem is." Kyoya's voice was cold and harsh. And demanding. I actually felt scared of him. All I could do was nod.
I stayed extremely quiet while sitting between Hikaru and Kaoru. That was until Tamaki and Kyoya sat down.
"Kitten!! So you don't hate me?!" Tamaki asks excitedly, standing up and doing a melodramatic twirl.
"Oh. I see." He sits down sadly at my silence.
"You boys should know that I will no longer be attending the Host Club after school. Goodbye now." I inform them of this while standing up and taking my boxed lunch.
The entire club seems to look like a hurt puppy at that comment. I quickly scurry over to the table of my friends.
"What did you just do to them?!" Akahana and Chikako ask in unison.
"I guess I broke up with them...." I say glancing over at the table of boys who are watching me.
"What are you going to do after school now?" Akahana asks.
"Study, draw, write a story, anything really." I state while shrugging my shoulders. The two chairs on either side of me get pulled out. Two boys sit down.
I recognize them as Masato Kumori and Nobu Akiyama. Both their fathers are professional and famous soccer players. No wonder that they're on the soccer team. They're both devilishly handsome boys, too. Masato has short blonde hair and striking emerald green eyes. Nobu has short brown hair and blue eyes like mine.
"Good Afternoon Masato and Nobu." I state fairly quietly. Masato wraps and arm around my shoulders.
"You can call me Masa, like everybody else. Anyway, we saw you kick the pretty-boy-prostitutes to the curb. And I might say, I quite enjoyed the look on their faces when they got rejected." He states with laugh at the end. I smile with a light blush on my face.
"It was great. I've never seen any girl do that before." Nobu agrees. My smile gets wider.
"Thanks, it was no big deal. I only went to their club to please my sister anyway." As soon as the words are out, I have this feeling of guilt in my stomach.
"That's great, because I was going to say, you should call me sometime." Masa puts his number on a napkin for me.
"Alright." I agree. They both stand up.
"I'll see you around." He leans down and gives me a peck on the cheek. Then he turns around and says, "Later girls.
My face is very red now. My friends start squealing.
"Masato Kumori wants to go out with you! It's so obvious." Akahana declares.
I sigh, "Even if he does, I'm not sure I want to go out with him."
"Oh come on! He is the total package! Athleticism, brains, good looks! What more could you want?!" Chikako asks.
"Personality, I want somebody with an amazing personality. The guy has to be just right. Not perfect by any means, but perfect for me. They have to be kind, and caring, and gentle, yet at the same time, they need to respect me and my brains." I explain.
After school I go to the fourth library. It's in the south building, just not on the third floor. Surprisingly, it's empty. I head to the balcony area and unload my stuff.
I whiz through my homework and work on my design. It's for a new female uniform. I was hoping to show it to Yuzuha Hitachiin when I met her, but now I never will.
The uniform is a white, long-sleeved, button-up shirt with a pink plaid skirt and matching tie. White thigh-high stockings and black ballet flats. With the Ouran Academy emblem on the left, over the heart. Like the boys' blazer. Also, a white blazer with the emblem on the left side for when it gets cold in the winter.
As I'm fantasizing about the uniform, my phone starts buzzing. I answer it without checking who it is.
"Hello-" I get cut off.
"Kasumi, we need your help! We're in serious trouble! Tamaki has been refusing to see any of his customers and the girls are getting angry!! I have no idea what we're going to do! HIDE KAORU!!!" Hikaru yells at his brother to hide after he explains. I react without thinking.
"I'll be right there." I abandon all my stuff and get to the third floor music room as fast as I can. I find Hikaru and Kaoru outside the music room.
"What's *pant* going on?*pant*" I have trouble breathing. God I hate stairs...
"It's havoc in there." Hikaru says.
"Girls... complaining... terrible." Kaoru agrees. He looks traumatized. I pull him into a hug.
"I'll go deal with them, you'll be okay." And I walk into the mess that is music room number three.
Honey-sempai was on Mori-sempai's shoulders as girls circled around them. Girls were all complaining at Kyoya, the group getting bigger second by second. A group of girls were in the corner, all trying to be the one to coax Tamaki out of his state of depression. Then I do a very loud wolf-whistle and all eyes go on me.
"Alright! Girls with complaints about Tamaki on this side of the room, girls who are angry with the services on the other!! And if any of you make me mad, I will go off! I didn't want to be here, but since nobody else knows how to handle you, here. I. Am!" The girls all quickly follow my orders. I have a clear visual of Tamaki.
"Girls with complaints about Tamaki, you will form two lines and give your complaints to Mori and Honey in an orderly fashion! Same goes for the girls who have complaints about the services, except you are forming one line, and giving your complaints to Kyoya!! If any of you step out of line, may I remind you that I'm on the edge of my self-control! Now I shall deal with the priss in the corner!" I start marching over to Tamaki. As of this moment, I'm on the verge of snapping his neck. He looks at me and smiles, until he sees my expression.
"Stand up straight, now!" I snap at him in a hushed tone, "Why in the hell would you do this?! You are such an idiot! I thought you were at least smarter than this! This is supposed to be a business and you are letting it fail by being so selfish. As of this moment, I have absolutely no respect for you." I spit that at him and he looks as though he broke.
"Throwing fits and taking everybody's fun is not how you get what you want. You work for the things that you want. I've worked for everything I've wanted for my entire life and never gotten anything! So grow up and act like an adult!!" I snap at him.
"I-" He starts to say something but I cut him off by walking away. When I get to the door, Hikaru and Kaoru are peering in.
"Wow, you are amazing. We could kiss you right now!" They say in unison. This reminds me of the waterpark so I point at my cheeks. They each kiss one. Ny cheeks start to burn.
"Well, guys, I've got to go, all my stuff is in the library." I state. Two arms link theselves with mine and start towing me away. I feel as though we're being watched. I turn around and see a girl with reddish hair looking at me with wide eyes that are filled with hatred for me. I only know two things for sure:
1) She saw Hikaru and Kaoru kiss my cheeks.
2) She's the girl that wrote the note.