Chapter 28 ~ I think they call it love

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Hey y'all. I'm sorry. Because of my busy schedule and some personal problems I haven't been able to get this chapter out sooner. But it's here now and I hope y'all enjoy. 

Finally, the Zalfie wedding.

Thank you all so much for 14k reads and over 500 votes. This is a tremendous achievement for me and I hope y'all know that I appreciate every single one of you. 

Ever since he was little, Joe loved weddings. There was just something about them that made him incredibly happy. Seeing two people come together and join their families and celebrate their love. The dancing and the speeches and seeing his relatives. He loved it all. 

It was also really fun to laugh at all the drunk people when he was a child. Of course he became one of them as soon as he turned 18. Even before that probably, his favourite aunt sneaking him glasses of wine and champagne and making him promise not to tell his parents.

But while he had been to many weddings, he had never had a date to any of them. With him and Caspar not out, it couldn't be a proper date. They wouldn't hold hands or kiss or dance too close and no one would even notice that Caspar was his date. But he would know. And that filled him with warmth and happiness.

And then there was also the fact that his sister was getting married. That's pretty great too. Joe couldn't remember ever seeing her as happy as she was with Alfie. Honestly Joe couldn't wait. The days leading up to the wedding dragged by, and when the day finally arrived Joe could have burst with excitement.

Caspar, for once, was calmer. It was a rare occurrence and Joe asked him multiple times who he is and what he has done with his boyfriend. Caspar only laughed and told him that he would be the sane one in their relationship, just this once.

•  •  •

Joe was busy attempting to put on his tie when he felt a pair of strong arms sneaking around his waist and hugging him close. He tensed for all of two seconds before relaxing into Caspar's grip and giggling as Caspar began swaying them gently to nonexistant music. 

"Do you need help with that?" Caspar teased, "have you forgotten how to put on a tie?"

Joe blushed and moved from Caspar's arms to glare at him. 

"No," he lied, "I'm perfectly capable of tying my own tie." 

He then proceeded to prove himself wrong by messing it up yet again. 

"This tie hates me." he pouted. 

"Come here." Caspar said, rolling his eyes fondly. 

Joe obeyed and turned towards Caspar. Caspar wrapped the tie around his shirt collar and began tying it with ease. Joe looked at him in surprise. He had no idea Caspar knew how to tie a tie.

"My stepdad taught me." Caspar explained, reading Joe's mind. 

Joe looked up at his boyfriend and properly took him in for the first time since he'd come in. He looked beautiful as ever. He was wearing a dark navy suit with a deep red tie and his hair was styled up with enough gel to keep it up but not so much gel that it would feel rough to touch. His eyes were sparkling and happy and Joe got lost in them just like he did every time he saw them. 

Caspar blushed under the attention but he too was looking at Joe in awe. 

"You are the most beautiful man in the world." Joe said. 

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