(Y/N) (L/N) was young soldier that just was specializing in the close combat. He even had some nano-gloves that make his punches more powerful than his strength can do. Now he was trying to find some job, after leaving United States army.
(Y/N): I'm really not sure where to search this job... I'm too lazy to search this. Hmm... Who from my family friends will need my help?
He looked at his smartphone reading names that was there. No, no, no... Haha, sure no. Hmm... This one is interesting, my father old friend. Johnny Cage. I remembered that dad take me one time to their house. I meet there his daughter... Huh, named, named... Cage. Cassie. Yes, she is named Cassie Cage.
(Y/N): Movie stars always need some safeguards, well I can try...
(Y/N) drank some of his (F/D), and called Johnny Cage thinking if this is worth of his time. Well, I can still go some training or... Sleep.
Johnny: Hello! You just called mighty Johnny Cage!
(Y/N): Uhh. Hello Mr. Cage, I'm son from (L/N) you knew my dad from younger years.
Johnny: (L/N)?! Man, I wanted to meet your father several times, but some things just took out my free time. You are (Y/N), yes? Drop this mr. thing kiddo, just use Johnny...
(Y/N): Yeah. I called you Johnny to ask if you need some safeguard or something like this. I'm soldier of US, and need some work.
Johnny: Soldier huh? That's interesting! Do you remember my daughter? Cassie?
(Y/N): Yeah, we met as kids, but only once.
Johnny: I think she will need bodyguard. I will pay you for this, but first we need to met and spar!
(Y/N): It's not problem, just call me when you will be ready.
After Johnny Cage and (Y/N) fight, older man decided that his skill is worth of guarding his daughter Cassie. (Y/N) was just happy that he finally find some job. Johnny called Cassie, and told young man that she will be there shortly.
Some time pass with (Y/N) and Johnny talking about everything sitting at the table. Then young woman walked to the room instantly looking at (Y/N) with her eyes.
Johnny: Hello Cassie! Do you remember (Y/N)? He is my friend son, you met as kids.
Cassie: Hi dad, and yes I remember you Mr. (L/N).
She hugged her dad warmly, and after this shook hands with (Y/N). Something in (Y/N) and her snapped with the contact and two of them just looked away. She sat next to (Y/N) and looked at her dad thinking what to say.
Cassie is a homage to both of her parents, with her blonde hair, attractive face, and figure very similar to that of her mother, while her sunglasses, sharp wit, and cocky attitude are reminiscent of her father. She dons a tight bodysuit designed for tactical combat, colored blue to signify a connection to the police force. She also wears dog tags, has a very prominent undercut, and has a helix piercing shown on her upper right ear.
Cassie: So, you just called for me to met (Y/N)?
Johnny: You are just like mother, straight to the objective. I just hired this young mas as your bodyguard!
Cassie face instantly changed to angry one, and shook her head several times. Johnny laughed little telling one of his jokes.
Cassie: No dad! I don't need anyone, I can defend myself alone.
(Y/N) decided to stay away from this conversation thinking that it was reserved only for Cassie and her dad.
Johnny: There is not no in this young lady. He will be with you even if you don't want this, he is your bodyguard not boyfriend!
Cassie: I'm sure that he is not capable of defending me in real fight, you know that I'm very strong and skilled, he will be in danger not me.
Johnny: Sweetie, we had a spar, and he is well skilled to do this job, but if you want to see this with our own eyes then spar with him, there and now!
Cassie looked at (Y/N) while he was just lazy drinking his drink. He even winked to her, making her cheeks show light pink color. She stood up, and just sighed looking again at her smiling father.
Cassie: Remember that if he will lose, I will be free without him as bodyguard.
Johnny Cage just nod to her knowing that (Y/N) will win.
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Another Timeskip.
Time pass after this even with (Y/N) being Cassie bodyguard while she was still not convinced about her dad idea. Finally, after month she started warming to young man seeing several times him fighting for her. Well, I just can't say this loud, but he is sweet. His (H/C) hair is always so great looking, at these (E/C) eyes always shining with something inside them.
Cassie was slowly understanding her feelings for him, and was at first very uncomfortable in his presence. On other hand (Y/N) just admired her body, and liked their light conversations about anything, but knew that with girl like her he doesn't have any chance.
Working as her bodyguard was not helping this situation. Then happened some incidents with two of them, where (Y/N) and Cassie slowly started accepting their feelings for each, but was not sure if another is feeling same.
Finally, after three months of awkward situations Cassie was tired of this cat and mouse game, and wanted to talk with young man about this. Well, it is normal for us to love like mother and dad, so I don't se problem to talk about this.
Cassie slowly walked out from her room seeing that (Y/N) was on the couch watching tv. She approached him silent, and just hugged from behind making young man surprised, and blushing mess from body contact.
(Y/N): C-Cassie? What are you doing?
Cassie: I'm tired of this game (Y/N), do you feel anything to me?
She sat next to him, and locked her eyes with his with blush clearly showed on her face.
(Y/N): W-well you are beautiful woman, and great person, but this situation. Me being your bodyguard, and your dad trust in me...
Cassie sighed taking his hands, while he was looking away from her knowing that he can't really resist young woman.
Cassie: Just forget about my dad, and this job. Do you love me?
She closed her eyes waiting for no, or yes, but then happened something different. He kissed her passionately, and Cassie depended this kiss with her tongue fighting for dominance and after some of his resist finally she won.
Kiss end with each of them blushing, and holding each other in arms. This night was very hot for two young couple on the couch, they finally let go of this tiring game, and all of their frustrations.
Final Timeskip.
(Y/N) (L/N) just survived something worst in his entire life. Talk with Cassie father about their relationship. Uh... This was really hard, several fights and talks, ended with me and him laughing on the ground tired. Yeah, but this was worth.
After this even, Cassie started being very protective of him. She always defended him, and it started looking like she was his true bodyguard. (Y/N) tried to talk with her about that, but she just shrugged it off, and was protecting him anyway from anything or anyone. (Y/N) just accepted this after some events, seeing that she will not change this behavior towards him.
He looked at his lap where was sleeping his now girlfriend Cassie. She is so beautiful. (Y/N) touched slowly her face and leave kiss on cheek. Young woman woke up, and looked at him embarrassed.
(Y/N): Hello, sleepy head. Well, I'm still your body guard.
Cassie: Ha ha, you are very funny today I see, soo get ready for our training.
(Y/N): We are doing this training four times in single day, woman you are going to kill me!
She laughed staying up, and going to change her clothes to training ones, and before she closed door looked out to him.
Cassie: (Y/N)? Remember that today mother is coming to met you, I love you ~
(Y/N): Uh... This will hurt, I'm sure of this now...
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