Chapter 5

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At last, the bell rung and all the students rushed out of the class. Amy continued packing her things, arranging her books according to their height while Liann waited impatiently for her.

Bouncing her head to the beat of the music blaring through her headphones, Liann asked, "Are you done yet?"

Amy smiled. She had already finished packing but she wanted to see exactly how patient was Liann. Clearly, she wasn't as patient as Amy thought she would be. Amy nodded her head and they walked out of the class, Liann waving at the teacher.

Amy smiled at Mr. Garrard and nodded her head as a 'thank you'. He nodded back, just as she took a step out of the class.

"So," Liann started, "what's your next class?"

Amy took out her schedule, that had been folded and conveniently placed in her pocket, and opened it. Peering into it, she said, "Next period is History."

Liann pouted. "I don't have that with you." Then, her sulky expression cleared and she smiled once more. "It's alright. I'll show where it is," she said, hooking her arm around Amy's before leading her to the class.

As they walked, Liann explained the system of the school and how things worked around it. "Since you are new, you wouldn't really know, but this school has a very special system. We have two classes before the first 'break'. It's kind of like a break for the students who were running late and missed out on eating breakfast. It's about... fifteen minutes long but most teachers release us a bit early so we usually have twenty minutes. It's quite sweet of them, to be honest."

Amy nodded. "That is really nice of them. The teachers of my old school would never let us go out of the class even if we only have thirty seconds left before the bell would ring."

Liann pouted. "Poor you!" she said, before continuing her speech. "Anyways, after the first 'break', we would have three more classes before we have the second 'break'. Now, this break is much longer than the first break because it is our 'lunch break'. It's about an hour long." She stopped talking for a moment before turning to Amy and pointing to a door on her right.

"Well, I'll stop here because we have reached your class. Don't worry, just come to the canteen during break and I'll explain everything else. The canteen is on the first floor. See you!" she said, waving her hand as she walked away.

Amy waved back before nervously putting her hand on the door knob and stepping into the class. She let a confident smile place itself on her lips and she walked towards the young teacher sitting at his desk, marking some papers.

His blond hair shone as the classroom light hit it, making it seem like pure gold. Amy grinned. She had never seen the simple light make such an amazing effect on someone's hair colour.

"Excuse me?" she called out, making the teacher look up at her.

"Yes?" he said, his kind voice making her smile more relaxed.

"Well, I am Amy," she said, before adding, "the new student."

The teacher smiled, his blue eyes lighting up. "Amy! I was waiting for you. I am Mr. Hamilton. Everyone here calls me Mr. H, though. Anyways, since class has not officially started yet, you can go and sit beside Penelope." Turning towards the class, he yelled, "Penelope, raise your hand. Thanks."

The Shy Beta | √Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora