Chapter 6

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Camila woke up to the smell of Coffee coming in from the kitchen. She was not completely awake, though. Only her senses were. Her mind was still caught in that land between dreams and reality, where everything is possible and everything makes sense, no matter how absurd. Thats why, when the small thought crept into her mind, that it was her mother making coffee, she didnt question it. Because, who else would it be?

Every day of her life, except when she was away at college or sleeping over at Dinah's house, she had woken up that way, with the smell of fresh Cuban Coffee invading her mind and waking all of her senses. And she'd get up, clean herself quickly, and walk over to the kitchen where she'd find her mamá and papá sitting at the table, talking about things only they knew about. And she'd kiss them good morning, and sit down next to her mom to have breakfast. And they'd talk about everything and nothing, before they had to run out to work.

When she was younger, Camila thought her parents were superheroes who never got tired. No matter how early she woke up, they'd always beat her to it; and no matter how late she'd stay up, they always went to bed after she did. They had endless energy, always working but also finding time to spend with her and Sofi; it was like they were everywhere all the time. Always with a smile on their face and brave words of "life is beautiful, mija. Remember to always appreciate it because it's gone in the blink of an eye". Camila thought they were superheroes, but superheroes never die.

Still not fully awake, and with thousand of memories flooding her mind,she got up as she had done her whole life, making her way to the bathroom. It was only when she splashed her face with cold water that reality came crashing down on her. Her heart beating fast, out of control. But then hope made itself present, taunting her, telling her that maybe it had all been a bad dream; that maybe, just maybe, she'd walk into the kitchen only to find them there, as they had always been. And she'd hug them, and cry happy tears, and laugh at herself for being so silly having bad dreams at her age.

So with shaky hands and a fast beating heart, she made her way down the hall with her eyes closed, extending her arms to find the way. She kept them closed, hoping and praying for a miracle; she knew deep in her heart that she was just fooling herself, but there was always hope.

She was closer now, every step an eternity of memories. The smell got stronger, and she tried to listen for a clue, or just to hear their whispers in the early morning. But there was only silence; so she kept going, taking one step at a time.

She stood behind the corner, trying to calm her erratic heart. It took her only two seconds to take the next step, but it felt longer. Her praying getting more desperate, eyes still closed. As it happens in these moments, hope was the last thing she felt, strong and beautiful, making her believe that anything could happen; that our prayers and dreams are always possible, no matter what.

But then she opened her eyes, and reality slapped her hard across the face, making her stumble back against the wall. They weren't there.

"Of course they're not here". She thought. "They are dead, and they're never coming back"

She was angry at herself, for letting hope take over her mind, blinding her of the cruel reality, making her believe that life could be good to her; that miracles happen. But they don't, and life is cruel, and what happens, happens. Once someone dies, they are gone and no crying or praying will bring them back.

"Are you ok?".- A raspy whisper brought her back to reality once again. Lauren was leaning on the counter, a cup of steamy coffee in her hands.

"Yeah, I just had a dream and woke up confused".- Camila said, blinking the memories away.

"I made coffee. I hope that's ok? I didn't know if I should wait for you or..."

"I told you to take whatever you wanted, it's fine".- The smaller girl said, interrupting her. She walked over, taking some for herself. She took a sip, and couldn't help but sigh in pleasure at the taste. She had never learned how to make a decent cup of coffee, no matter how much she tried. It never tasted like her mother's. But Lauren's....Lauren's did

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