Chapter 21🌹

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"Rosieee! Sugaaa! I thought you guys got lost"

"It's okay Limario, the thing is we are here now"

"Yeah, I was worried about you babe" Hoseok said to Suga.

"You have one second to get off me"

Hoseok hugged tightly Suga making him to hug him back, Lisa smile while watching them and turned her head to Rosé, who also was smiling but not with brightness. She immediately knew that her best friend wasn't okay.

"Hobi, we are going to the ice cream shop here while we wait for the others"

"Sure baby, take care"

"I guess I'll see you later Suga"

Suga only nodded, Hoseok open his eyes widely knowing that his best friend was thinking deeply ever since they know each other Hoseok always knew that when Suga doesn't talk to much is because he's thinking something very serious. Suga just continue looking how Rosé sigh and start leaving with Lisa to the ice cream shop, he felt bad for treating her like that, but the thought of her being Chaeyoung was consuming him, he want badly to hug her and tell her that he loves her, giving her kisses... but he has to be sure, he needs to make sure that the girl who he is in love with is the same little girl that make him experienced it for the first time. He came back to reality when Hoseok start shaking him.

"They left... I'm all ears"

Suga sigh "Do you remember when we start knowing each other I talk to you about a girl named Park Chaeyoung?"

"Yeah, you told me she was your first love and blah blah..what? Okay I remember what's with her?"

"I think Rosé is Chaeyoung"

"That's awesome man! Then why are you like this? I mean you have been waiting Chaeyoung for a long time"

"That's the thing Ho, if she is Chaeyoung why she doesn't remember me?"

"Well if-"

"She would have recognize me since day one"

"Of cou-"

"Also how about Ire-"


"Sure.. go ahead"

"Thanks.. first haven't you think both of you change? I didn't knew Chaeyoung but I knew you and if you let me tell you Min Yoongi you have change a lot, you were a nerdie with those glasses and with that haircut" Hoseok start laughing "I re-hahaha-remember it like yesterday hahahaha"

"You want me to punch you?"

"Okay-okay, but yeah maybe in her memory you are still that little Yoongi with glasses and a horrible coconut haircut"

"That might be true...and if you-"

"Hobi! Yoon! You're here! I told you Joonie we aren't the first ones" Irene screamed while running to Hoseok and Suga. "What's up guys? Where are the girls?"

"On the ice cream shop, you can join them.."

"I will.. Joonie I'm going to the ice cream shop to catch the girls bye" she gave Namjoon a quick kiss before leaving.

"So Irene thought you were going to be here first?" Suga asked.

"Yeah.. she kept telling me that we stop here and there thank goodness we arrive"



"By the way you don't have a picture of Irene, Yoongi, Chaeyoung and you?"

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