They had been walking for a while. They were both quick to realize the gravity of their situation. There was no one. No dead bodies, no blood, only really guns and bullets left behind by those who were gone. The little glowing light floated around, and it seemed to be paying attention to its surroundings, even if it was hard to tell because it was a ball of energy.
“...where exactly are we headed, little light?” that American said, looking up at it. The light paused for a moment, and there were soft whispers emitting from it. They weren't audible, and the other mumbled something in german. The American turned to him as he said “If you have something to say, I'd rather you keep your mouth shut then say something in a language I don't speak.”
The German glared at him, and the soldier glared back. The light glowed with more powerful energy, as if telling them to stop. The light made whispery noises, but again nothing audible. It seemed to get upset when they both didn't understand, and it's energy increased as it tried to communicate with them.
They both heard a whisper clearly say “Tell me your names.”
They both looked at each other, and the American was quick to say “Jason Price. No middle name.”
He glanced over at the German, but he didn't say anything. He seemed like the quiet type. He wasn't saying anything to the glowing orb or the American, as he wanted to remain mysterious. Jason rolled his eyes as he looked at the light again.
“Where are we headed, little light? Can you speak again?” He said, adjusting his helmet.
The light floated around as he heard it whisper in small audible chunks “search… soldier… still here… alive… help…”
Jason raised an eyebrow, not exactly knowing what it meant. He figured they'd just keep searching and they'd eventually find what the light needs. He looked back at the German as he said “You're coming along. I'm not gonna let you stay here when there's pretty much no one else in this world.”
The German gave him a look, but he didn't want to be left alone. He felt like he was being watched. He followed without much protest. He felt threatened when he was alone and not near the light. They both were searching for anything that could be useful, and they found things like extra ammo, and a few grenades.
The light lead them into another building. Jason sighed as he said “Alright… I'm stopping here. We're obviously not accomplishing anything, and we've been walking for about 3 and a half hours.”
He sat against a wall, sighing as he lay his weapon on the ground bedside him. The German began pacing, thinking. He seemed paranoid, always troubled by… something. Jason didn't much care for what troubled him, he just wanted to make sure that he didn't try anything.
Jason seemed almost surprised by the fact that the German hadn't tried anything yet. So far, Jason had already shot at him, gave him disapproving looks, and pretty much didn't give him any respect what so ever, and who could really blame him? But the German didn't do much. He barely reacted to getting shot at, he hasn't tried to kill him yet, and so far he doesn't seem very hostile. He expected a hostile and toxic personality from any Nazi he's come across, but most of the time he didn't care if that wasn't always the case. He would kill any Nazi he came across if he could, as they fought for a cause that he, as well as many others, considered evil.
“...nothing’s happening. You don't need to keep pacing around” Jason said, eyeing the Germans movements.
All he got in response was a look. Nothing more. He expected just as much. He wasn't sure if he should consider this man a coward, or he is simply being passive. He preferred the term coward. He laughed slightly as he didn't say anything more. The world seemed to be getting darker, as if night was falling, but there was no sun to tell. The light floated around, patiently waiting for them to find what it was searching for.
He's been sitting there for about an hour. He was looking around and thinking of possible places whatever the light was hinting at would be. If it was another soldier, they'd either be smart and hiding out at a vantage point where they're hidden and can see from above, or they're less so and are wondering around aimlessly. Either way, they'd have to fine them.
Jason stood up. He looked over to the German as he said “you can stop pacing now. Let's go.”
He began walking as he resumed the search. It was getting darker, but it wasn't dark enough for complete blindness. The German didn't want to look like he was listening to what Jason was saying, but he really couldn't do anything else, and he didn't ever hear what the light was saying. He didn't understand how it communicated with the American when he didn't hear what it said. It was like if it wasn't talking to him, he didn’t understand it.
The light suddenly started making sporadic movements like it was excited. It quickly began floating to the building across the street, and Jason followed it, darting across the street. The German was confused for a moment, but he followed anyway.
“I'm guessing you found what you're looking for, little light,” Jason said as he slid to a stop. The German came up behind him, and he said something in German, but again Jason didn’t speak German so he didn't understand.
Jason glanced around. There was no sound at all. He started walking slowly and quietly, his weapon gripped tightly in his hands. He froze as he heard what sounded like liquid dripping, and it appeared to be dropping right next to him. The German heard it as well, and they both looked up to see a chunk of the roof missing, and they could clearly see the the second floor.
The German had an uneasy feeling as he realized that liquid had a red tint to it, although it was a dark color. It was like the color was altered, but it was still red. He stepped into a small puddle amd he stepped back, feeling a chill go up his spine. Jason felt like he was heading towards something he wasn't going to like… he decided they had to get up to the second floor. It was just a gut feeling that whatever they needed to find was up there.
The light seemed disturbed, but it only followed them. Jason easily found a staircase leading up, and he said to the German “You can keep watch. So stay there.”
He then walked up the staircase slowly and quietly. There wasn't even anything to really keep watch for, and the German knew that. He knew that the American said that because he didn't want him to follow. The German sighed, and he decided he’d look around for anything interesting.
“So this is where joining the fight has gotten me. Fantastic.” He mumbled to himself in clear English. His sister was always teaching him English when he was younger, and she said that she wanted to go to America some day, and she thought maybe she'd take him with her. They would even speak English sometimes while they were at home, and they would have conversations that sometimes their parents barely understood because they didn't speak enough English to know how to talk in conversations. But if their parents ever asked his brother what they were saying, he would usually just tell them. He was a snitch sometimes.
The German found what looked like a golden chain stuck in between two rocks. He pulled it out, and it didn't come out as something got caught on the rocks. He pushed one of the rocks off, and he found a locket. It was circular, and it had a small blue gem loose inside of it. He wasn't sure who could’be owned it, but it didn't matter. They were probably dead if this area was so destroyed. He put the necklace in his pocket, and he adjusted his jacket.
Jason was above, searching around for the source of the dripping liquid. He was anxious, but he wasn't letting that affect him. Heard the dripping get louder as he was growing closer to the source. He stopped as he came close, and he felt his heart skip a beat as he saw another U.S. soldier, but he wasn't moving and he looked to not be alive. Jason hurried over and he looked down at the soldier and he knelt down, putting a hand on their shoulder as he rolls them onto their back.
There was a bullet wound in the upper left side of the soldier's chest, as well as many other unusual scratches. The man's left arm looked like half of it was ripped off from something that definitely was not on the battlefield. It made him feel sick to his stomach and made him realize they definitely were not alone. The light floated around, and it dimmed down as it also seemed to respond negatively. Jason watched as the light seemed to collect some kind of energy from the soldier, and then began floating away.
He followed it, feeling like it would be safer closer to the light since it pretty much knew what it was doing. He walked down the staircase, clearly frustrated as the soldier they searched for was already dead, and he adjusted his helmet as he gave a disappointed sigh. The German noticed he was back, and he walked back in his direction.
“We should leave. Where to now, little light?” Jason said, wanting to leave as soon as possible. He had a feeling he wouldn't be returning to his world, but he stayed hopeful. The German wasn't as hopeful, and he didn't want to return. The world he lived in he hated, and for good reason.
The Germans blood ran cold as he stopped dead in his tracks. He heard a growling noise from behind him. Jason heard it too, and he turned around, his eyes scanning the area. The light was still for a long moment, as everything fell silent. There was a louder growl, and the light became frantic, darting out of the building. Jason watched it leave, and he ran after it. The light knew what was happening, but the other two were in the dark. They only knew that it must've been bad.
There were footsteps behind them. Quick footsteps of what sounded like a smaller creature became larger, and Jason felt his boot get caught on something. He tripped, and the German slid to a stop, standing a few feet away from him. He froze as he saw a large black creature at the other end of the street. It wasn't shaped like any specific animal, and it oozed a black substance. Jason stood up, and he caught sight of the monster as well.
He was frozen with fear. He's never seen anything like it. Every inch of his being screamed for him to run away, but he couldn't move. It was like the creature put you in a trance, and it captivated you. A wicked smile of sharpened teeth spread across it's face as it darted toward them. The German looked at Jason, and he noticed he wasn't moving. He decided to break his silence and do something.
“WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING? RUN!” he yelled to Jason, which snapped him back into reality. He felt the German grab his jacket and pull him along as he began running, the creature close behind them. There wasn't any time for thought or question. The light seemed to glow increasingly bright, almost blinding.
The German slid to a stop, and Jason followed. There was a large swirling manifestation of light, like an entrance.
“E N T E R” they heard the light say in a clear voice. It was that of a girl, but it was too distorted to make out any more detail.
There wasn't any room to be hesitant as the creature sped up. They entered without question, and the creature reached out toward the portal just as they jumped in, and the German felt a sharp pain in his back as it felt like something scratched him.
There was a flash of light… and then darkness.