*Athans POV*
His body was still, cold. His eyelid purple, lips purple.
I got out of my bed and walked into my personal bathroom, I looked in the mirror, remembering his touch, the way he moved, his kiss, his scent.
"Hey baby." Ricky said softly wrapping his arms around me. My eyes start to tear up, "What wrong?" He asked, "You look dead." I said, he scuffed his breath, "Even if I was dead, with you I'm alive." He said turning me around, grabbing my hand placing it on his chest, his heart beating, making me feel warm, "I wouldn't ask you to change me unless if it was urgent." He said, I nod.
I'm never going to change you.
"Last night, was the best night of my entire life. Even dead you're good at sex." He smirked, I giggle.
"Ricky! Athan!" Vinny yelled. We quickly went up to see him and his friends in the living room, "Wow, you look like hell." Devin said, Ricky smirked and walked over to the couch where Chris was sitting, I stood next to Vinny, "I was thinking we could go boating this evening. What do you guys think." Chris said, everyone nods, "Yeah lets go." Devin said, "Only if my Mia can come with." Ryan said.
Something is off about Ryan. I can't put my finger on it. As he kissed Mia's head he looked at me, my eyes shifted to look at Ricky.
"Of course. Athan you coming?" Chris asked, I smirked, "I wouldn't miss it." I said seductively. Ricky smiled then bit his lower lip, "That means I must go shopping, Mia darling would you be a doll and come with me?" I asked, she frowned her brows, "Sure." She said, "Great. Lets go?" "Right now?" My eyes turned red, she nods, "I'll be back." Mia said before kissing Ryan. Ricky was covering his mouth with his hand.
"Something wrong?" I asked getting into his head, "I wanna rip your clothes off." He thought.
I smiled and shied away. I walked to the door Mia following.
"Dude, what's wrong with you?" Mia asked, "Promise you won't tell anyone." I said, she nods, "I fucked him." I said, she looked confused, "Wait what? You screwed Ricky? And he didn't." "The only way for someone to change is if the man was the vampire and the woman was human. He's safe." I said.
*Ricky's POV*
"You're hard." Devin said walking over to me, I looked down then grabbed a pillow, "What the fuck?" "Dude, come on you know I swing both ways." "Yeah but I don't." I spat, my face grew with pure disgust, "You've been turned on since you got up here with Atty." "Its Athan." I spat, "You screwed her didn't you? I totally saw that coming went you snuck off." He said, "Don't tell any of the boys." I said, he shrugged his shoulders.
Its been two hours, where's Athan?
Suddenly Athan and Mia came in laughing. I walked over to the stairs, she looked at me and blushed.
"What took you so long?" I asked, she pressed her body against mine, "I was picking something special to wear for you." She said, I groaned and looked in her bag, she put it behind her back, "You have to wait silly." She said.
The rest of the boys came in, "Hey, get ready we're gonna leave in a few minutes. There's towels in the closet down the hall way." Vinny said. I nod.
I looked back in front of me and Athan was gone. Sneaky little devil.
We all left and went to the docks. Chris has his own boat with his girlfriend Gaia. She's okay I guess. We all settled into the boat and took off near a cove.
Chris dropped the anchor and we all dived in. Except for Athan and Mia.
*Athans POV*
"You feel that too right?" Mia asked, I nod, "Yeah. Siren are lurking but if we say something no one will believe us except Vinny." I said, she sighed, "What do we do? I mean vampires give off a scent that sirens smell. They'll know that there's a threat in the area." She said, "It doesn't work that way. Yes we give off a scent but that'll attract them not get rid of them. Let's just hope that they aren't hungry."
Ricky swam up to the boat, "Come on get in. What? Are you afraid that a shark is gonna come eat you?" Ricky joked. Not a shark eating me, but a siren eating you. "Mia get in!" Ryan yelled. Mia and I exchanged looks then dived in.
Everything is fine. For now.
"What's wrong?" Vinny asked, "Sirens are in the area." I said softly, "You feel that too? We're vampires we can beat them, they need souls to survive and we don't have any. If they come we'll fight, but for now just relax." Vinny said before swimming over to Devin.
After an hour of being in the water we decided to get out for a break. That feeling of sirens lurking around is still there.
Ricky sat down next to me and draped his arm around me. I looked at Mia who sat across from me next to Ryan, she had a scared look on her face. We both looked at Vinny, he didn't look to good either.
"Hey guys we should probably head back to the docks." Vinny said, "Come on Vinny the party is just beginning." Gaia said before sitting on Chris's lap, "Its getting dark and being in the ocean at night is dangerous. Plus what ever lurks around here gets more energy and more hunting skill at night." I said, Ricky pulled me closer, "Guys relax we're fine." Ricky said.
Yeah but you can't feel it.