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Am I the only one here that replays stuffs I think that is good(like Twin Star Exorcist) good news to you guys!!!! I'VE BEEN REPLAYING TWIN STAR EXORCIST!!!!!! At Animax!

Sorry if it's blured. Too bad I slept and got up when it's near the ending!GRRRRRR!!!! *shoots gun everywhere* NOT FAIR! NOT FAIR!!! I SHOULD HAVE BEEN WATCHED IT!!!!! *out of Amos* WHAT! OUT OF AMOS!?

Well, at least, didn't missed Inu!

Finally! *buys amos* YAAAY! *shoots Ki blasts everywhere* I'M SO HAPPY!


Me: I can explain! *sees the noodles* is that our food!? *smiles like a maniac*

Dad: no! Only good for one-

Me: WHAT!? WHY YOU!!!!!!!

Dad: But, if you fight me and win, you're gonna have it!

Dad and I: *glares at each other* FINE!!!😠

Dad: *kicks me*

Me: *dodges it*MISSED ME! *punches dad*

Dad: *dodges it* good one! But I know your weakness!!! MEOW! *acts like a cat*

Me: *got scared* AHHH STAY AWAY! YA' FREAK!!!

Dad: hehehe

Me: MY PRIDE WON'T LET ME! *smacks Dad and became successful*

Dad: *got his face down the table* NO! *kicks me as hard as he can*

Me: *got kicked* OUCH! But, as I HAVE TOLD YOU EARLIER, MY PRIDE WILL NEVER LET ME! *kicks back*

Dad: *wining about his butt*

Me: *cooks the noodles and eat it my self*

Dad: I NEVER LOOSE TO YOU! When you're a kid, I ate your; pancake, sandwich, dumplings, chocolate bar, and last 2 years ago, I ate your precious pork buns! NOOOOOOOO! THAT MEANS! I AM WEAKER THAN (my name)!!!!!!!

Me: what do you expect, old freak!

Don't worry, that's just my dream. I didn't really fought my dad. It's just my awesome dream!

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