Am I the only one here that replays stuffs I think that is good(like Twin Star Exorcist) good news to you guys!!!! I'VE BEEN REPLAYING TWIN STAR EXORCIST!!!!!! At Animax!

Sorry if it's blured. Too bad I slept and got up when it's near the ending!GRRRRRR!!!! *shoots gun everywhere* NOT FAIR! NOT FAIR!!! I SHOULD HAVE BEEN WATCHED IT!!!!! *out of Amos* WHAT! OUT OF AMOS!?Well, at least, didn't missed Inu!

Finally! *buys amos* YAAAY! *shoots Ki blasts everywhere* I'M SO HAPPY!
Me: I can explain! *sees the noodles* is that our food!? *smiles like a maniac*
Dad: no! Only good for one-
Me: WHAT!? WHY YOU!!!!!!!
Dad: But, if you fight me and win, you're gonna have it!
Dad and I: *glares at each other* FINE!!!😠
Dad: *kicks me*
Me: *dodges it*MISSED ME! *punches dad*
Dad: *dodges it* good one! But I know your weakness!!! MEOW! *acts like a cat*
Me: *got scared* AHHH STAY AWAY! YA' FREAK!!!
Dad: hehehe
Me: MY PRIDE WON'T LET ME! *smacks Dad and became successful*
Dad: *got his face down the table* NO! *kicks me as hard as he can*
Me: *got kicked* OUCH! But, as I HAVE TOLD YOU EARLIER, MY PRIDE WILL NEVER LET ME! *kicks back*
Dad: *wining about his butt*
Me: *cooks the noodles and eat it my self*
Dad: I NEVER LOOSE TO YOU! When you're a kid, I ate your; pancake, sandwich, dumplings, chocolate bar, and last 2 years ago, I ate your precious pork buns! NOOOOOOOO! THAT MEANS! I AM WEAKER THAN (my name)!!!!!!!
Me: what do you expect, old freak!
Don't worry, that's just my dream. I didn't really fought my dad. It's just my awesome dream!

My Book of Random Stuffs
RandomHere, if you wanna know some stuffs about me, here! no one's gonna stop you from reading's not to may all ask me about stuffs, and I'll answer it in here.