I slam the door to my dorm room, collapsing onto my bed and screaming into my pillow. Then I start crying. My only two friends just violated and assaulted me after injecting drugs into me.
I reach out my shaky hand, pulling open my nightstand drawer. I grab the bottle of Xanax, taking off the lid. I go to shake out some of the pills into my hand, desperate to escape reality for a little while.
Longing for that good feeling that it give me when mixed with something a little stronger.
Last night runs through my mind again. Just the thought that drugs brought me into that situation makes me freak out.
The pills go skittering across the floor as the bottle connects with the wall.
I lace my fingers behind my head, rocking back and forth.
Why me?
What did I do to deserve this?
Is it because of the drugs?
The fact that I haven't spoken to my princess of a sister since we left for college?
Or maybe it was the fact that I'm a lesbian.
Whatever I did, I got what was coming for me.
Unable to figure out any other way to release my anger, I grab the nearest object, throwing it across the room. It clatters to the floor.
Someone knocks on the door.
"Everything okay in there?"
What should I say? Should I lie? Tell them everything is okay? Or should I tell them the truth and go seek out the help I so desperately need?
"Hey! Everything okay?"
"Yeah. Just dropped something that's all."

The Twisted Life Of Julien Rose (Blackmail Book 2)
General Fiction"I know you girls will want to experiment while away at college and all, but please stay away from any drugs. Alcohol, I can sit here and talk until I'm blue in the face and you will still drink it at parties. I can't stop all your action and I won'...