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So today is when we get what roles we are in and what team we are in for mock trial (we have 2). I swear that I'm going to be a backup in the lowest team. I'm calling it right now.
Before School:
So when I got to school, my friend was playin on her phone an app that she was addicted to. Animal Crossing. So apparently Animal Crossing got an app on the store and yeah, I'm checkin this later. So later another friend and I were talking about how he case witnesses' names isn't really gender neutral.  And also how they would act as there other gender which turned out...sexual.
Period 3:
So we had to do debrief, even though I got the highest score in class and nothing else.
It's raining to represent my feelings to the people and world we are.
Period 4:
So we were working on our project today and yeah, mine looks like actual shit.
Period 5:
So we learned more about how Story=Power and shit and since al our dialogues were shit, we got a lesson about dialogue.
Yay I love FUCKING STUDYING. Because knowing my SS teacher, this review might turn into a pop quiz and my grade will go done even lower, maybe in the negatives. Yay now me and my friends are talking about death and accidental suicide.
Period 6:
So today we had to right a whole essay about what we are thankful for because THANKSGIVING IS TOMORROW. So yeah that means short week. The essay for me was actually heartfelt but, I don't think one page was enough. PLUS IT'S FUCKING COLD IN HERE. Oh by the way, we can use our phones after we finished. I was so touched when someone didn't put me as someone to thank as a friend *tear*. FUCK SS IS NEXT. IMA FUCKING FAIL.
Period 7:
So my expectation was correct and we got a pop quiz...yay..., I FAILED. No review hahaha. KILL ME.
Mock Trial:
So we got our groups, as expected I'm in the lowest one and I got, somehow got the primary role, not for long. And we got a long talk.
After School:
So again, my friend is making my veteran uncomfortable and yeah...RIP... Anyways she is still doing it now with ASMR (the crunchy stuff). Oh wow they let him go. So now they're talking about K-pop and their look. Stupid looks (from me). Yeah I fucking hate K-pop. Now that same veteran is drawing stuff in small spaces, oh good more weird stuff. Oh good they leave so I can leave.
See you next week.

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