2 - Dicks Before Chicks

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2. Dicks before chicks

   I found myself standing on Asher Wilde’s front porch the very next morning, at exactly nine-thirty. To buzz, or not to buzz, that was the ultimate question. It has been ages since I last paid a visit to the Wilde residence. Mom had bumped into Mrs. Wilde last week and she quickly asked how I was doing. Not to sound conceited or anything but Asher’s mom loves me to death.

   We would go shopping together and on some days she would make me batches of chocolate chip cookies and we would stay up all night until the wee hours of the morning, watching our favorite TV shows on Netflix, pigging out on buttered popcorn and Chocolate ice cream. I have to say, Mrs. Wilde is the coolest mom ever. She even mentioned that I was the daughter she never had.

   Just to make things clear, Asher does have a sister. She’s two years younger and her name’s Diana, but she’s a bit of a tomboy, the reason why Mrs. Wilde loves having me over. Diana spends most of her time holed up in her room. She plays the guitar, just like her brother Asher.

   Everything looks so perfect. It’s a nice fresh, sunny morning. The sky’s blue, not a cloud in sight. Birds are chirping happily. I’m wearing my favorite yellow sun dress, I smell good. What could ever go wrong?

   I was so focused on my thoughts that I didn’t notice that the glass door suddenly opened.

   Mrs. Wilde was smiling from ear to ear as soon as she saw me through the glass door. Typical blonde hair blue eyed woman who everyone admires. Even my mom was a tad bit jealous of her because she doesn’t have a single wrinkle, she’s not a single pringle, she manages to be a size zero, has luscious flawless skin, straight healthy blonde hair and she could easily pass out for a twenty year old. So whenever she comes over to watch her son’s wrestling tournaments, people don’t really believe she’s actually in her forties.

   Mom blamed dad for her wrinkles because they usually argue over the silliest things, like that one time when they were doing crossword puzzles, and that one time while watching Jeopardy. They even argue about sunny side up and scrambled eggs! Just thinking about all those arguments, I think it’s safe to say that I can now write a whole book that lists down almost every argument they’ve had since they had me.

   "Bryce, sweetie, how're you doin'?" She said in her high pitched southern accent, quickly throwing her arms around me like she hasn't seen me for decades. She was a real sweetheart but a bit annoying sometimes. "God, I've missed you so much!"

   "You, too, Mrs. Wilde." Tucking a lock of hair behind my ear, I craned my neck to see if the little monster was available.

   She linked her arm around mine as we stepped inside the house. "So, when's our next shopping trip? Oh, by the way, I saw your mom last week. Did she tell you?”

   "Yeah, she did mention you," I nodded. "Um, is Asher home by any chance?"

   "Oh, yes, he's up in his room, still sleeping like a big baby. You can go upstairs and wake him up yourself."

   "I—I don't think that's a good idea, Mrs. Wilde. I'll just wait down here."

   "You silly goose," she gave my shoulder a little squeeze. "I suggest you go wake him up while I make you two some breakfast."

   "Oh, actually, I was thinking of having brunch with him, if that's okay?"

   "Well, sure thing, honey pie," there was a tiny gleam of hope through her eye and I know she still wanted me to get back together with her son which will never happen. I felt really bad for her. She was the epitome of the perfect mother-in-law and here I am pushing her away. If Asher wasn’t really a dick in the first place, I’d consider taking him back, but no, he decided he’ll be a jerk anyway.

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