Chapter 3

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I took a deep breath going to sit next to Frigga and Loki. My dad and mom not taking their eyes of me. A put a smile on my face and went to sit down. Odin stood up.

 "I would like to welcome our guests from Midgard who came to Asgard due to a series of unfortunate events." I tried not to laugh, thinking about the Lemony Snicket books. "But we welcome them in Asgard just like any other guests. I'd like to make a toast for them." All eyes were on me and my parents. I wanted to hide in a hole. It was a bit embarrassing. "So raise your glasses to Steve, Amelia and Nyx!" All the God's and warriors at the table cheered. I looked down a small smile on my lips. I could tell Loki was watching me. The feast began and Frigga turned to talk to me.

"So Nyx how do you feel about this? I mean it must be shocking for you." I smiled and nodded.

 "It's madness. I've been interested in Norse mythology for the past 10 years and to find out that the thing you've devoted all your free time to learning about, is real. It's crazy." Frigga smiled at me. I saw Loki turn to me.

"Nyx. That's an interesting name." I smiled to myself.

"It's not my birth name. My birth name is Lucy. I changed it to Nyx when I turned 18. Nyx is the Greek goddess of the night. The daughter of Chaos. I felt like this appealed to me plus it's so much better than such a common name like Lucy." Loki smiled at this. I should have known he'd like it. One of the main mythological stories about Loki is that he came from the land of fire, from Chaos itself.

 "That's very interesting. I bet you have many questions about Asgard." I nodded.

 "Like there are so many things that I want to know. The mythology have got Thor's and Loki's appearance totally wrong. Especially Loki." Loki faced me once again.

"Oh and how do they portray me?" I giggled. "The mythology make you out to be a middle aged man with red hair and beard. The comics on the other hand, make you out to be a very muscle and wearing a suit like Superman." Both Loki and Frigga looked at me confused. Of course Nyx you're an idiot. They have no idea who Superman is.

 "Who is this super man? Why is he so super?  Is he a God?" I shook my head.

 "It's a fictional character back in Midgard, who fights evil and what not." They nodded.

"So what would you like to know? I can answer any questions you may have?" I gave Frigga a thankful smile.

 "Thank you your highness. One of the questions is are Thor and Sif married?" Both Loki and Frigga burst out laughing making everyone at the table to look at us. I blushed.

 "What seems to be so funny my dear Frigga?" Odin seemed interested as to what had made Frigga and Loki laugh so much.

"According to Midgardian mythology Thor and Sif are married." Everyone at the table laughed out loud Thor and Sif included but I swear that for a second I saw Sif blush. My dad and mom both looked at me, smiling. "Many Midgardian stories get everything wrong." Everyone, still chuckling, returned to their conversations. Frigga turned to speak with Odin and Loki once again turned to me. "I want to apologize for disappointing you with my appearance. Although I really want to know, which one do you prefer?" I blushed and look down at my plate, earning a smirk from Loki. I must say I preferred his real appearance. If I said that he wasn't attractive I'd be lying because he was very attractive.

"I must say that your real appearance is rather pleasing to the eye." I was still looking at my plate but I could tell he was smirking.

"Why thank you for your kind words. Any other questions? I will try and answer them as best as I can." I looked up at him and saw he was smiling at me. It was a sincere smile.

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 "I wanted to ask about you." Loki laughed.

"Ask away." I took a deep breath. I wanted to know about Loki's past and origin but I didn't know how to ask it, I didn't want to hit a nerve.

"Well it's about your past and your origin." Loki turned around in his seat to fully face me. I didn't want to  say anything that would anger him. This was the last thing on my Asgard to do list; Anger the God of Mischief and Lies.

 "What is it that you want to know?" I took a deep breath all my nervousness kicking in.

"Well there are different stories about how you came to be in Asgard and your past. One of them is that you are from Chaos and that Odin tricked you into leaving Chaos and joining him in Asgard and another one being that you are the son of Fárbauti and Laufey, the Frost Giants. Which version is true? Or is there a completely different version to this?" Loki smiled whilst drinking some of his wine.

"The second one is the true story. I am in fact a Frost Giant." To prove his point he assumed his Frost Giant form. In the size he didn't change but in appearance he had. His skin turned a deep blue shade with pattern's engraved in his skin and his eyes turned a vibrant red colour. I must admit he looked really beautiful in his Frost Giant form. I heard a female gasp. My mom I assumed.

 "Loki! Do you mind!?" Loki's eyes flickered to Odin and he transformed back into his human form.

"Sorry father. I was just showing Nyx my Frost Giant form." He gave Odin an innocent look but I could tell that Odin wasn't having it.

 "Not at the table please." Odin returned to his conversation with Frigga. Me and Loki continued having a conversation about life in Asgard. He mainly told me about the stunts he pulled on the other Gods. I sat there laughing at all the stories he kept telling me.

"So you just put honey over the handle of Mjölnir?" I couldn't stop laughing. He was so childish, which got me thinking, how old was he?

"Well what was I supposed to do? It was simple yet extremely satisfying." I laughed at him once again.

"Loki can I ask you a question?" I saw him smirk. From the corner of my eye I could feel my dad looking at us cautiously.

"I believe you just had." Loki chuckled seeing me glare at him. "But you may ask many more." I laughed at the Trickster God.

"How old are you?" Loki began laughing. I must admit I have grown to like him even more and more as I got to know him better. Even develop a crush on him. I mean he was good looking, he had a great personality from what I could gather. I was helpless when it came to men. I seemed to fall for them hard and quickly. Just like with Robin. I shivered at his name. No Nyx. You must forget him. He is the past. Live in the present time and enjoy life as it is and stop dwelling on what had been. Loki stopped laughing and looked at me.

"I do apologize but I found your question very amusing. I would imagined this to be the last thing anyone would want to ask me, especially someone from Midgard when there are so many questions that could be asked. To answer your question, I am 1084 years old." I stared at him in disbelief and heard someone behind me chuckle. Looking up I saw Thor.

"Don't worry. It may seem long but looking at the lifespan of the God's, in Midgardian age Loki would only be around the age of 17-18." Thor motioned for one of the maids to bring him a chair so he could sit with me and Loki.

"Hah. I'm older than you." Thor laughed.

"How old are you then?" I fake gasped and covered my mouth with my hand indicating shock.

"A true gentleman never asks a lady her age!" Loki looked really apologetic and I laughed. "I'm 21." Loki and Thor both 'awww'ed' at me. I tried to make a cross face but ended up laughing. I was slowly beginning to forget that I am in fact in Asgard and that Loki and Thor are in fact Gods. Especially Loki. The way he made me feel. He made me feel welcome, happy and like I've been his friend for ages. Me, Thor and Loki spoke for another 20 minutes, it seemed like 20 minutes but then again I had no watch.  After dinner was over my parents left with the maids to their room whilst I had agreed to go on a walk with Loki. We slowly made our way towards the gardens, Loki telling me about some of the battles him and Thor had been in. I wanted to bring up the subject of Sleipnir and his other kids.

"Can I ask you a question once again?" Loki laughed at me.

"Nyx, there is no need for you to keep asking me this. You can ask me whatever you want and I will answer as best as I can. I mean isn't that what friends do?" I stopped to look at him. Did he really think of me as a friend.

"You think of me as a friend?" Loki blushed and looked at his shoes. I wanted to smirk but didn't want to kill the moment. Had I just made the God of Mischief and Lies blush? Loki looked up at me smiling, his green eyes shining with happiness.

"Well yes because you're the only person that I've met, that knows who I am and yet does not judge me. I like that. Although I shouldn't get used to it because everyone sees me as the bad guy." He sighed and turned away from me. I really felt sorry for him. From all the stories that he told me I can tell his tricks are just jokes I mean after all, in human years, he was just going through his rebellious

emo teenage phase. I think the main reason people judged him was due to his heritage. It wasn't his fault he was a Frost Giant and if anyone was to be blamed here for having a Frost Giant in Asgard, it should be Odin. I mean he was the one who took him in. I walked up behind Loki who was standing at the edge of the pond.

"Look I've never been good when it came to advice but there is one thing I can tell you; Ignore them. Prove them wrong. Be the better person. Raise above it. If they can't accept you for you then they are dicks." Loki looked at me puzzled.

"What have male genitalia have got anything to do with this?" I laughed at this. Note to self. They don't use such insults in Asgard.

"On Earth calling people dicks is an insult." Loki smiled and we both sat down on the bench by the pool. I saw two Ravens flying around. I didn't doubt they were Odin's Ravens. Was he spying on us? Or was he simply making sure Loki wouldn't do me no harm?

"Well I prefer the term Mewling Quim when it comes to insults." It was now my time to be puzzled.

"Mewling Quim? What does that mean?" Loki shrugged.

"It just means Mewling Quim, I don't know of any other meaning behind it but I know it's an insult here in Asgard." I smiled at Loki who returned the smile. Once again it was a genuine smile and I began to wonder once again why everyone made Loki out to be the bad guy.

"What was it that you wanted to ask me Nyx?" I blushed. It was something in the way he said my name.

"Well when we came into Asgard we found ourselves in the stables." Loki groaned knowing where the story was going. "I was wondering if it's true that you turned into a female horse and then gave birth to an 8 legged horse. Oh and Fenrir, Hel and Jörmungard." Loki sighed and shook his head.

"It is true. Please don't judge me." I chuckled.

"Judge? I think this is fascinating and awesome." Loki looked at me visibly shocked.

"Really? You are the first person ever not to judge me for who I am and not judge me when you found out about my kids." I smiled at him whilst standing up as it was starting to get a bit chilly so it was a good idea to make our way back to the palace. Loki stood up too.

"I don't judge people. No matter what I hear about them. I'd rather get to know them myself and from what I've learnt about you today is that there is nothing to judge you for." Loki smiled and suddenly he pulled me into a tight hug.

"Thank you."

Hey all.

So to clear it up, all the things Loki did like with the Frost Giants, the Tesseract and everything else he's done in the movies/comics, he has not done in this story or well not yet at least. (I dont know if I will include them in the future or not). 

So I hope you enjoyed this. I really liked the fact that Loki trusted Nyx because she didn't judge him like everyone else had. So yeah hope you enjoyed that

Bella xx

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