Before I go much farther, let me explain myself a little bit more.
Obviously, I am Jenna. I am a bit on the short side, very skinny, an typically the 'good girl' type.
No I have never smoked anything.
No I have never been drunk.
No I have never had sex.
No I do not have any tattoos.
I'm the steriotype normal teenage girl. I am boy crazy and I am very religious.
Let me elaborate on that... In 8th grade I went to a thing called Believe, by CIY and it's basically a religious conference and there were skateboarders, inspirational speakers, singers, and artists. I have anxiety problems, and I REALLY didn't want to go to Believe. My mother talked me into it , and there was a song sang about how if you felt nervious, God was there.
Now, I am not the type of person who gets all strange and starts having a seziure on the floor and screaming "I CAN FEEL THE LORD ENTERING MY BODY!" Or anything like that. But, I dropped to my knees and I started bawling. I started to feel weak and completely powerless...and I looked up, and I saw God.
I am 100% serious. I was looking into the face of God. He was standing right in front of me. I stared into the eyes of God, or Jesus and I was completely powerless. I couldn't move, but I just stayed kneeled and stared. He looked at me in the eyes for about 10 seconds and then, I looked away and he was gone. I was amazed. I felt so calm.
Now, since then, I have felt far from God, because he was so clear to me, then gone. And I couldn't find him. I guess thats when I started to realize I wanted to do something...something to make a change. Something that I could keep a secret. Something bad. So, we are back to my freshman year in Mr. Short's classroom.
I am sorry I don't post as much as I want to, but now that it is summer, I will try more often. :) Thank you for reading.

The Drafting Teacher
Non-FictionTrue life story about a highschool falling for her teacher