"Don't do this!" Quentin screams above the madness.
"No." Aster begins to gather all of the power within her circumference.
"You'll have to kill us both." he defiantly challenges.
"No, I won't" Aster replies.
"Why?" Penny asks completely perplexed. Aster did not expect this so her power starts to waiver.
"You of all people should understand my need for this madness to end. You. YOU! Aren't you my friend?"
"I can't remember!" Penny screams in frustration, deep inside he feels the need to save her.
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"I know. I did this on purpose. This is the only time you and he don't know what binds us. Please, just let me go. Let me try and put back what I've broken so long ago." Aster begins to channel all the power she can find, all of the love and the hate surrounding her, connected to all that she can bind.
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"Why?" Julia asks as she tries to bind what she knows will not stop the conclusion of Aster's resolution.
Aster replies, "You of all people here should know I'm not even supposed to exist. You think you can bind a power you are the reason exists?" Julia's eyes go wide as Aster sends her into the Nether for her to find, a way out.
"Please, stop!" Quentin begs. "I am a part of you."
"And yet you will still live." Aster begins to waiver, for just a moment. However, the hatred around them feeds her resolve NOT to give in to the spell she has started.
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