The past will always define who you are - anonymous
"Hey guys" I whispered softly and sat down next to Nat at the Lunch Table. We were six of us. Nat, Daniel, Aaron, Shannon, Spencer and me. Aaron was seated in the middle of Spencer and Shannon, Shannon on his left and Spencer on his right, Daniel was seated next to Spencer and Nat was next to Daniel. So, I was sitting between Shannon and Nat. This was right opposite to Aaron... god save me.
"Hey Rachel", they smiled, except for Aaron. He had a poker face on. That face he makes was something I've learnt to master over the two years I've known him. He's always had that look only when he doesn't want to show me what he's feeling and he's avoiding me, or he's just pissed and he's avoiding me to cool it down. We were toxic at times.
"So I've been working on this theorem in AP Physics!" Spencer told us excitedly, getting me out of my thoughts. I sighed. Spencer was a great guy, don't get me wrong. But he was a lot into academics. He wasn't the party type. Over a year, he'd become close to us through Aaron. How did that happen, I don't know. But now he's one of us.
Shannon groaned "Spence, Please. Leave it be! I opted out of science for a reason".
We all laughed. Shannon was the drama queen of our little group. She had taken theatre as her subject. She hates science. There's a huge story behind how she quit Science. It just dint make sense to her, and I agree.
Spencer raised his hands up in a defensive way "Okay. Whatever you say Shanna!"
Shannon glared "Don't call me that". Shannon had a vicious glare out of all of us. We were shit scared of her during competitions as she was very competitive. On other days she chose to not be a she-wolf, which we all gladly appreciated.
Aaron decided to speak up. Looking curious and interested he said, "Huh its okay Spence. Tell me what that Physics theorem is. Ignore them".
Shannon huffed and Aaron grinned. He loved pissing her off.
I looked down at my plate and continued to eat my pasta, I was bored. Suddenly Nat giggled, loudly. She and Daniel were whispering and talking, they totally seemed to be in their own world. I scrunched up my nose in disgust. I did not want to witness my two best friends flirting like there was no tomorrow.
Deciding to go to the Library, I packed up my leftovers and got up. No one really looked up from whatever they were doing, except for Shannon. Aaron and Spencer were working out Physics questions; Nat and Daniel were in their own world. I sighed and looked at Shannon. She nodded her head and we walked out of the cafeteria.
Walking towards the Library I bumped into a guy. What is it with me and bumping into people today?
I looked up and just as I was about to mumble a sorry, I realised who it was. It was Jason Sanders.
Jason Sanders was the Football team captain. He had baby blue eyes and dirty blonde hair. He was a little taller than Aaron. He and I had stopped speaking to each other because Aaron was the Basketball Captain and the two teams rivalled each other.
"Oh god I'm so sorry. Are you hurt?" he apologised stepping back to make sure I was okay.
I was still in thought when I heard Shannon say, "She's fine" and she dragged me along. That girl is a saviour
It wasn't like I did not like the guy, but I steered clear from him because Aaron was my friend and as much as he hurt me in the love department he never left me by myself in the friend department.
I could hear footsteps approaching me so I turned around. Seeing it was Jason I sighed. "What do you want?"
He held up his arms as a gesture for surrender which I found cute. Wait, what? Get out of my head.
"I just saw you girls walking around the halls all alone. And its lunch. Shouldn't you be in the cafeteria?" he asked.
"And why should we answer to you?" I asked and Shannon nodded in agreement.
He smiled. "Cause I'm being nice and Aaron there can't see what's in front of him"
I sucked in a breath. What? How did he know? Shannon glared at him as if to say, 'If you continue talking I'll rip out your tongue'
As if he were reading my thoughts he laughed. "Oh come on! It's been Obvious since the last two years, and you don't scare me Shanna-banana"
"Really?" I asked, shocked and at the same time Shannon complained exasperated "Don't call me that!"
"Yeah" he nodded ignoring Shannon which made her glare at him even more "Many people figured it out. For a short time they thought you had a thing too but then Nah." he smiled.
"How have you been?" I asked, putting Aaron aside.
"I've been okay I guess anyway I got to go. See you!" he said hurriedly and left me standing in the middle of the hallway with a confused look. I wanted an answer.
"Come on Rachel, I'm calling bullshit. The guy has no idea about anything other than football, girls and his rivalry with Aaron" Shannon said and I agreed.
Brushing it off we entered the Library and I went towards the Dan Brown section and started reading. The conversation I shared with Jason nagging me.

AYRA - The disappearance of Rachel Walters [1] ✔️
Mystery / Thriller|| Highest Ranking - #12 in Kidnapping|| [PREVIOUSLY CALLED MISSING RACHEL] Now a Published book. Available in India. All Rachel Wanted was a good summer. But we don't get everything we want. Right? "No! It's not how it was supposed to be! This is...