Dick and Tim X Reader (Family)

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Codes for this chapter:

(Y/N) = Your name

(L/N) = Your last name

(M/N) = Your mother's name

(N/N) = Your nickname


(Y/N) P.O.V

     Although I wasn't a member of the bat family, I was a really close friend. Close enough to know their secret identities, anyways. That was how I ended up at Wayne Manor hanging out with Dick and Tim on the evening it happened.

     We were all sitting in Tim's room talking about the latest stuff that was going on with the team when my phone started ringing. Seeing that my phone didn't recognize the number, I decided to answer the call. Holding up a finger to the guys to say I would be back in a second, I accepted the call and left the room, closing the door most of the way behind me.

     "Hello?" I said into the phone.

     "Hello," replied the voice on the other end. "Is this miss (L/N)?"

     "Yes," I told them, wondering what a call this formal could be about. "Who is this?"

     "This is the Gotham City Hospital," answered the voice.

     Crap, I thought. This can't be good.

     "We are calling," they continued. "To inform you of a recent tragedy involving your mother, (M/N) (L/N)."

     No, I thought. No, this can't be happening.

     "Your mother was driving home from work when she was involved in a collision with a drunk driver..."

     No, no, no.

     "And despite our best efforts..."

     Please no.

     "We regret to inform you that your mother passed away shortly after her arrival."

     I felt myself go entirely numb, and I somehow managed to speak.

     "I understand."

     "We are very sorry for your loss."

     That was the last thing they said before the line went silent, and I heard a thump as my phone fell to the floor. My vision blurred and very soon, I followed my phone, falling to my knees. I felt tears stream down my face, and in some corner of my mind, I heard Tim's door opening.

     "(Y/N)?" I vaguely recognized Dick's voice. "What happened? We thought we heard-"

     His sentence was cut off as he saw me on my knees, tears flowing freely down my cheeks.

     "(N/N)?" I heard footsteps as he approached and knelt in front of me. I couldn't even bring myself to look up from the blurry image of the carpet in front of me.

     He immediately pulled me into a hug, and I buried my face against his shoulder. He didn't say anything for a long while, simply holding me as I sobbed. At some point, Tim emerged from his room and joined Dick in hugging me.

     Eventually, my tears dried out and the brothers slowly released me. Dick placed a hand on my shoulder and, looking up at the boys, I couldn't help but feel a bit like I was part of the family after all. I took a deep breath and looked down to steady myself before the question was inevitably asked. It was Tim who ended up asking.

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