(Matts p.o.v)
Theyve been in the hospital for a little over a month now. Trevor is in and out of consciousness. He'll be awake and well for a few days, he usually cant get up and walk around, but today, he was actually able to get out of bed. the doctor said thats a good sign. They dont even know whats wrong with him. Jordan is still in a coma. Shes able to hear us and everything, but she cant respond. Today theyre going to do a test to see if she remembers anything. Trevors awake today, so theyre going to bring him in and let him talk to her. Its been rough being in the hospital 24/7, but Ski is usually here, and she keeps me company. I wish she wasnt married though. I like her. A lot. And I have no idea what im going to do about it.
(jordans p.o.v)
I feel trapped. Like im in a pitch black room strapped down. I can hear everything, and feel when some touches me, but I cant see them, or respond. I want to scream, and let someone know im here. I hear shuffling in the room as people walk towards me.
"We're going to test something out today Trevor" A girl says. The name trevor sounds so familiar, but I cant place where I know that name from. "Youre going to start off by saying your full name, then tell her some things about you, then youre going to tell her how you guys know eachother, then how you met. And anyother memories you have together. If she remembers you, her heart rate will go up. or if shes in panic of not remembering anything youre telling her, then it might go up too. but theyre are ways we can tell the different heart rates to see if she remembers you or not. But no matter what, dont stop talking " (a/n im not ecen sure if this is possible, but go along with it cx )
"My names Trevor Micheal Wentworth. Im in a band, Our last night" thats were I knew the name from. My favorite band! "I live in LA with you in your apartment. Youre my girlfriend, the mother of our beautiful daughter, Katarina Lynn Wentworth" no, I cant be dating him. those were dreams. they had to be. And to have a kid with him? this cant be right. ive never even met him in person.
"Her heart rate is going up. Just keep talking trevor. " The lady said again.
"We met at warped tour, and you bumped into me, spilling your drink alll over me" he let out a small chuckle. " You watched me main stage that day. I eventually got the balls to ask you out, and I sang mirrors to you and stage" no, that i was a dream. i remember it being a dream. "You stayed in my bus the rest of warped tour. Then when we got back we went to Disney land because youve never been" he takes a deep breath and I feel him grab my hand. "I eventually just moved in with you. we always wake eachother up with pranks. I splashed water on your face one morning to wake you up. Youve pushed me off the bed. Jordan, please wake up. I need you. I know you can hear. Katarina needs you. I love you Jordan.. I - I " he lifts my hand up and holds it to his face. I felt something wet dripping on my hand and I then realized he was crying. i remember dreaming about dating him. But ive never been pregnant. " You should see Katarina. She looks like you. Has my eyes, your nose. and smile. Shes beautiful" i heard a baby cry, and he let go of my hand. I so badly want to scream, and tell him im here. tell someone im here. I want to talk to him, and tell him that im here. even if i know that none of that stuff happened, i need someone to know im here. I tried to scream, but nothing came out, I didnt even move.
"We need some time to study her heart rate, but we will get back to you as soon as we can." there was suffling of feet and papers, then a door closing. And with that, I was all alone, in the darkness, again.
(trevors p.o.v)
I started to cry as I left the room with katarina. I just wanted to go home with her and our baby girl. Matt took Katarina from my arms and handed her to Ski.
"She'll wake up soon, im sure of it" matt said as he tried to pull me into a hug. I pushed him away amd walked down the hall.
"You dont know that! what if she never wakes up?! what if she doesnt even remember me?!?" i tried to not scream, but people looked at us.

Reason to love.
Fanfictionthis is a Trevor Wentworth fan fic, and a CC (Christian Coma), and Oliver sykes, and kellin quinn, and Andy Biersack (: and it'll be sorta confusing, but you just gotta pay attentiom to the P.O.V. (: *WARNING* Theres a lot of swearing and sexual ac...