Killian Jones- Love (h)

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Being in love with someone was never going to be easy, just as a relationship was never a simple ride, however you were willing to fall no matter what.

Killian had been in your life for a long time, even before the curse you knew him but nothing was ever acknowledged until Storybrooke.

Acknowledged on your part anyway.

Killian had been there for you; however, no words of a relationship had ever been spoken between the two of you so you were feeling as if the love was one sided.

Which was why it had not been easy for you.

You had agreed to go and meet Killian at the docks, as you did most days, but when you get there he wasn't there.

The last thing you remembered was one of Cora's henchman appearing in front of you, a horrid smirk on his face before he grabbed you and whirled you away.

Next time you woke up, you felt pain – searing pain.

You barely managed to open your eyes, but when you did you saw Cora smiling sadistically down at you.

"Who would've thought Hook would let his little girl out by herself."

You grimaced in pain, speaking through gritted teeth. "I'm not Hook's."

She scoffed and looked down at you. "Believe it or not missy, you are his and that's precisely why you are here."

"Why am I here?"

"Hook deserves pain."

"Shocker. I am not Killian."

She sneered at you, a look of disgust crossing her face. "He feels pain at hurting his one true love," she shot another form of magic at you, causing you to scream out in pain.

With those as her final acts towards you, she disappeared from the room leaving you to yourself.

You had lost count of the amount of times Cora had appeared to throw magic at you, finding pleasure in you screaming out, and just as you finally passed out on the floor you heard Killian's voice call out to you. "Y/N!"

It was a sense of déjà vu when you woke up in yet another unfamiliar face, but the sound of a heart monitor caused you to open your eyes.

"Oh, thank god," you heard Killian breath out as he grasped your hand.

You turned your head so that you were facing him. "What happened?"

"You were nearly dead Y/N."

Judging by his voice and his appearance, it was clear that you being in the hospital had taken a toll on him and that he hadn't left the hospital since you had gotten there.

"It's been three days since I found you," he told you. "When you didn't turn up at the docks, I got worried and then when I didn't hear anything from you at all, I panicked," he began to explain.
"Knowing you were with her, going through all that shit, bloody hell Y/N, that almost killed me."

You felt him squeeze your hand as he spoke, and you knew he was being truthful. "Where was I?" you quizzed him out of curiosity.

He shook his head. "That is not important," he stated as he held your hand tightly. "I can't believe she got to you."

"Where is she now?"

"David chased her down, I haven't seen him since."

"Because you've been cooped up in here."

He scoffed. "I was hardly going to leave with you in the bloody hospital, now was I?"

"I'm awake, you can leave now."

He shook his head, a frown on his face. "I'm not leaving you again Y/N," he told you with a sense of finality. "I am making you a promise right now, that I am going to protect you no matter what."

"Cora said I was yours, your true love or something like that. That I was there because she wanted to hurt you," you explained to him quickly. "Don't worry. I reassured her that I wasn't, but that didn't stop her I guess."

A flash of hurt crossed Killian's face. "Why did you tell her you weren't?"

"I'm not yours Killian."

"What if you could be?" A hint of nervousness was laced within his tone.

You slightly smiled at him. "That would be your decision to make."

"Y/N, please let me say this without you wanting to scream and tell me to get out," he spoke up. "I never thought I'd get to this point in my life again, maybe I didn't love the crocodile's wife like I thought I did," he rambled away with his accent shining through. "Call me stupid, idiotic, whatever you want but you're my true love."

A full smile broke out on your face as you fought against the pain to sit up in your hospital bed, lifting your free hand to rest on his stubble covered cheek. "Took you long enough."


Written by Hannah.

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