Amy(the mom) turned around and smiled at the 3.
"MOM WATCH OUT!!" Mason screamed. All of a sudden.....
The van crashed right into a giant moving truck and was flown spiraling in circles off the road. Lexi and Jonah woke up right away and were holding on for dear life. The van came to a stop completely broken and upside down. Cops and help were called right away. Hannah, Mason, Bree, Alex, Josh, Tristan, Katie, Hannah, and Amy were able to get out right away. Anthony was on his side going in and out of Conscience, Landon and Jonah were both passed out since they hit their heads on the window.
~Lexi pov~
The ringing in my ears, won't stop that's all I hear. I try to unbuckle my seat belt but it's jammed. I turn to my left and right and see Jonah and Landon knocked out with a little bit of blood on their forehead. Something dripped on my arm. It was blood. My blood. I touched my head and winced. There was a big cut. I kept tryin to get out but my seatbelt wouldn't move. My vision started to get blurry and I could faintly hear my mom saying my name. I heard the sound of sirens before I saw complete black.
~No one POV~
Everyone was put in an ambulance. And rushed to the hospital. Jonah and Landon woke up in the middle of the ride screaming for Lexi. Anthony and Lexi still haven't woken up. Hannah's baby and her and mason are okay. Mason has a broken arm from protecting her belly, but he says it was worth it. Katie and Bree are okay but Bree is definitely not happy about the cuts on her face. Amanda is good but had to get many stitches. Amy has both arms broken and a lot of scars. Tristan, Alex,and Josh are all okay with minor cuts. Landon and Jonah both have a minor concussion and Jonah has a broken wrist. They all were able to be put in a room together, but Lexi and Anthony which they haven't heard about yet.
"This is all my fault." Amy cried.
"Mom stop." Josh told her. Bree was about to say something but all of Lexi's friends ran in the room.
"Where is she." Alyssa shouted while trying to catch her breath. Everyone looked at them.
"We don't know anything yet." Amanda told them with sympathy.
"Do u not know how to drive or something!?" Carson shouted at Amy.
Amy started to cry which made all the boys stand up and glare down at him.
"Why would you say that?" Alex asked his jaw clenched.
"Hey that's just his personality he doesn't know what he's doing he's being stupid." Alyssa jumped in and told them.
"Plus it's in the news and paper that it was her fault." Sean pointed out.
"Wait we are in the news?!" Bree screamed and jumped from her seat.
"Yeah channel 45." Andrew told her.
Katie ran and got the remote. She put on the channel.
BREAKING NEWS: driver Amy Ree with her van full of her 10 kids and husband Anthony Ree. The van went flying off the road since Mrs. Ree went crashed into A moving truck not paying attention to the road. Everyone is so far okay but we haven't heard if Anthony and youngest child Lexi Ree's condition. Will they die? Will they wake up? Stay tuned to find out.
And with that the commercials started. Katie turned off the tv and no one said a word. Amy started to break down crying.
"Why would they put the dead thing in there?? That's just rude." Faith said while glaring at the Tv.
"Life's rude." Amanda said with no emotion.
"So who are you guys?" Landon asked them.
"We are lexi's Friends." Priscilla told him.
"Well what are your names?" Bree asked them curiously.
"I'm Priscilla, that's faith, her twin brother Jack, Carson, Andrew, CJ, Sean, Samantha, and you all know Alyssa." Priscilla told all of them.
"Wow she actually has friends." Landon smirked, causing all her siblings to laugh.
"Amy Ree." The doctor came in.
"Yes?" She asked.
"May I tell you something?" Amy nodded and they both went out in the alway.
"Amy I'm sorry for your loss." Is all you could hear. And Crying. Everyone froze.
Who died Lexi or Their Dad?
Who is dead? Lexi or Their dad?Is this gonna be the last of the book??? Comment down who you think died! ❤️❤️

Life with my older siblings.
Teen FictionLexi Ree is 15 years old, yes you may think oh how awesome you can have fun! Well not for Lexi, you see Lexi has 3 older sisters and 6 older brothers! They are all very protective of her, even tho most of them are married and don't even live with th...