Why can't I get you out of my head
I fear you're stuck inside
Though I promise you, it's not a cage
but surely a safe place to hide
just be careful of where you step
I'm sensitive at heart
And though the feeling might rest there
It travels up this far
And if you feel, just as they say
To leave no stone unturned
Just be wary of what you find
And know that you've been warned
Don't be afraid of this place
Cause you can leave here anytime
I wouldn't want to keep you
If you didn't like my mind
But again, my dear, do not fear
If the thought of losing entry arose
For the door is always open
Cause it was never really closed

To Kill My Nightmares
PoetryDunno yet, probably just gonna be a bunch of random stuff I work on. Don't count on me finishing it or anything though because knowing me, It'll never happen.