Chapter 10

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( Rose's POV )

I woke up , it was six , wait if marks brother goes to work at night he would come home in the morning .

"Mark Mark wake up " I said pushing him

"What " he moaned

"If your brother goes to work at night then doesn't he come home in the morning ?" I asked

"Crap yes he does , wake Sundee up and make the bed , I'll put these blankets away " he said as he stood up .

"Sundee wake up or I'll poor water on you " I said in her ear

"No , no I'm up " she said opening her eyes

"Help me make the bed we got to leave before marks brother gets home " I said as I stood up

We made the bed then walked out to where Mark was.

"You ready ?" Sundee asked

"Ya let's go " he said closing the closet door

We walked out , Sundee got on her bike , Mark put the key back in the flower pot his brother had by the door and then got on his bike , I got on the pegs and we rode to the mall .

( Katy's POV )

I woke up , it's 6:20 ,I got ready and I walked out and knocked on Rose's door , she didn't answer , I opened the door and walked in , she wasn't there , it's to early for her to have left for school , I'll just text her .

Katy : hey where are you ?

Rose : I'm out I'll be back in a few days , bye

I'm so glad I have a tracker on her phone . I pulled my phone out and went to my car and got in I buckled and drove to the mall where my tracker said Rose was at . I got there and got down and put my hood and sunglasses on and I walked in and started walking , I saw Rose , Sundee and Mark walking my way , I pretended to look at something till the got behind me , I turned around and grabbed Rose's arm .

"Let's go now " I said

"Katy ?" she said weirdly

"Yes let's go now " I said still holding her arm

"No " she said as she motioned Sundee and Mark to run

Sundee ran , Mark grabbed my wrist and twisted it , I let Rose go , she ran holding marks hand . I ran after them , then my phone rang .

"Hello " I answered

"Hi this is Ms.Lou from the orphanage , this is Mr.Perry right ?" she asked

"Yes , yes it is " I said a little confused

****five minuets later ****

"Oh , I'll tell her , and I'm sorry about that " I said

"Ok thank you , bye " she said

"Bye " I said hanging the phone up .

I rolled my window down and shouted out the window .

"Rose , please stop I need to talk to you this is really important , it's about Elysia "

"What about Elysia ?" she asked as they stopped

"Put your bikes in the back , I'll tell you at home , Mark , Sundee I'm going to drop you guys off at school " I said as they loaded there bikes

They all got in and no one said a single word the whole way to the school .

"So what's up with Elysia ?" Rose asked me

"Umm I'll tell you when we get home " I said

"Why can't you just tell me now ?" she asked

"Because I want to tell you at home " I said

After that we both were quiet . I pulled into the driveway and got down , I walked to the door and unlocked it . I walked in and threw my keys on the table .

"So what's up with Elysia ?" Rose asked

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