After saying their "I do's" for Sami who married Tom and Jerry after getting certified on a website, they decided to go on their honeymoon.
Tom had it all set up in his backyard as him and Sami struggled to push Jerry there with a "Just Married" sign and tin cans tied to the back of their pink wheel barrel.
"I'm so happy," Tom said out of breath as he gazed at a blanket that was once spread over his uncut grass. It was now hung over the neighbors fence. What a windy day.
Tom, Jerry, and Sami circled around a picnic basket. The grass was all tickling them in the face.
"I'm serious, Jerry, I need to mow the lawn," Tom said getting up and going into his shed. He rolled out a toy lawnmower that made a popping sound every couple steps. Tom walked around the lawn for 15 minutes.
Jerry and Sami dug into the picnic basket that Tom packed. There was half of a peanut butter sandwich, not cut in half, it was just the peanut butter without the bread in a sandwich bag.
"Mowing the lawn is such a workout," Tom said while taking off his exercise headband, "I see you guy found the sandwich I packed, lets eat!!"
Just then, an ice cream truck turned down Tom's street.
"OH, IM HARD, I HEAR THE ICE CREAM TRUCK," Tom shouted a stood up.
"Bish Jerry's wallet?" Sami asked. Tom reached into Jerry's pocket, which almost took off his gum-ball machine wedding ring, and pull out Jerry's wallet.
Tom and Sami ran down the street where a bunch of middle schoolers from across the street were already lined up to get ice cream.
"Dang it, I forgot it was a Monday," Tom sighed.
A group of middle schoolers started walking towards Tom and Sami.
"Give me your lunch money, Tom," a little boy said while licking his ice cream cone, not the ice cream, the cone.
"No, Jimmy, I need it for tomorrow," Tom started shaking.
"Why aren't you at school today? Do you have acid reflex again?" Jimmy smirked and all the kids started laughing.
"No, I don't have acid reflex again!" Tom shouted and started crying really hard.
The middle schoolers started to beat up Tom as he screamed. They were taking his lunch money.
"Bish back off best friend," Sami said getting angry. His face was red.
"What are you gonna do about it, you two year old? Shouldn't you be in preschool?" Jimmy asked and his friends started laughing again.
"Bish. Skip. Every. Monday." Sami said through gritted teeth. He then pounced on Jimmy and started biting his ear.
All of a sudden, Jerry pulled up in a white cargo van.
"FREE CANDY!!" Jerry shouted and then started obnoxiously coughing because his vocal cords are too old to sound that loud. The kids started running towards the van cheering.
Jerry was trying to save Tom and Sami from getting even more hurt than they already were from the middle schoolers.
The ice cream man saw what was happening and called the police, assuming that Jerry was a pedophile.
The police showed up and arrested Jerry. Tom was trying to talk to the police to get Jerry out of going to jail.
"I don't understand what Jerry even did wrong, he was just trying to save my lunch money from those middle schoolers," Tom sighed and started thinking, "wait, I know why you're arresting Jerry, look Sami, the windows in his van are tinted too dark."
The officers were questioning Jerry as Tom and Sami got some white paint and painted over the vans windows so they weren't so dark.
"There officer, you can let Jerry go now, the windows aren't tinted anymore," Tom stomped his foot and ended up kicking over the white paint. Sami started rolling around in it.
"Sir, that's not why we are arresting Mr. Lawler... he could be charged with Pedophilia," the officer said looking at Tom's pink flip flops and gum ball ring.
"Officer, now is not the time to be checking me out, I'm married to this man in the metal connected bracelets, by the way, nice fashion statement, Jerry," Tom said. The officer didn't say anything, he just started writing something down. Tom held up his hand, "no, I don't want your number, I'm not gay and I don't support." The Officer rolled his eyes.
Sami started fighting with an Asian seventh grader because he was yellow.
"Sami, now is not the time to be rapist against Asians, we have a serious matter on our hands."
"Bish rapist?" Sami raised an eyebrow.
"Yes, when you don't like different rapes," Tom said.
"Bish races?" Sami asked, confused.
"No, thanks, all this wedding stuff has me tired.. maybe tomorrow, Sami, but we have to find a way to free Jerry," Tom stated.

Behind Tom's Door 2
HumorRead book one first please. Tom Phillips, 30 and a half years old, is gay, homophobic, racist, and sexist. Sami Callihan, his 5 and a half year old best friend, is with him every step of the way. Follow his journey after he marries the love of his...