Chapter 41

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Jonathan's POV

That day where I talked with Tyler went so well. Craig came home with a huge smile plastered on his face and greeted me with a hug, repeatedly thanking me. I gladly accept it and we end up talking about the best clothes he should wear.

Today, I'm shopping with Craig at the mall and we have like 3 bags each hand that only belongs to him since he's the only one that will be attending prom.

"Time out." I exhaustedly uttered and sit on a vacant bench that is randomly placed at every part of the mall. I place the bags beside me and made space for Craig to sit. He did and did the same with the bags.

"Let's rest for a bit then let's eat and continue looking around okay? I still need to buy stuffs."

My eyes widen at what I just heard. "You still need to buy other things?! We have like 12 bags here, what else do you need?" I exclaimed and pointed at the bags.

"I need a suit and make-up."

"I thought you already did buy a make-up when we went at Watsons?"

"I only bought some skin products, not makeup." He corrected.

"What's the difference?"

"Skin products is only for my body while makeup is for my beauty."

"Oh." I replied and massage my legs. God, it hurts. After resting for 10 minutes, we found a place to eat and after that we went to a place called "Sephora". When we walk inside, the place was full of makeup products and some accessories. I saw him pick an eyeshadow, fake lashes, highlighter, contour, and other stuff I don't know what's called. After he's done, we went to the cashier and pay then left. Our last stop was the clothing store. It was divided by two sections, one for men and one for women. I started to walk towards the men's clothing section but I felt Craig is not following me. I look back and his head was down like in deep thoughts. I walk back and tap my hand on his shoulder. He slightly flinch and look at me.

"Come on, let's go to the men's clothing section to get you a suit so we could finally go home." I said and started to pull him but he stop and spoke up.

"You know, I was wondering. What if I buy a dress instead of a suit?" He said and look at the women's clothing section. I frown as a stare at him.


He hummed for a second before shaking his head.

"Nevermind, let's just go to the men's clothing section." He uttered and started walking to the said direction. I followed while thinking what he said.

Why does he want to buy a dress instead of a suit?

I continue following him as he started to search. I look at him and saw him hesitantly looking at the clothes with sadness in his eyes. That's when it clicked me. I quickly pull him far from that section and enter the women's clothing section.

"Why are we here?" He asked with confusion.

"I saw how you look at the clothes and you look unhappy choosing there so I realize why you ask that question earlier. You want to go to the prom as a girl right?"

His eyes widen as he look at me then slowly nodding his head.

"Yeah. For once, I want to feel how to dress like a girl without anyone judging me and I think it would be weird for Tyler if he was dancing with another guy in a suit. You know what I'm saying?" He explained and scratching the back of his ear. I nodded and pull him again but this time towards the dress.

"Well, let's start finding the best dress for you!" I exclaimed. We smile widely and start searching for the best dress that will suit him.

After almost an hour of searching, we find this really pretty orange dress with some little gems around the chest part and we find the right size for him that is above the knee.

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