Chapter 10

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-2 Days Later-

Today is the day I find out if my father is guilty or not.

"Connor, you ready?" I asked.

"Yep let's go." He said.

We hopped into his car and drove to court.

"I'm scared she's going to say not guilty." I whispered.

"I have a strong feeling she is going to say guilty Cole. Your side is defiantly more believable. Plus you have evidence." He said.

"Scars aren't evidence. Scars are what happened, they are there to show how broken I was and still am." I told him.

"Cole, I'm here to fix you. And want to know something?"

"Sure." I mumbled.

He pulled over and looked into my eyes. "Not everyone is perfect. In fact no one is. I think our generation is so obsessed with of perfection, yet we don't need to be, because really, it doesn't exist."

"What are you trying to say?" I asked.

"Cole, your perfect the way you are. Your scars, they are beautiful they show how strong you are because you made it through the bumpy part of your life. After we find out if your father is guilty or not guilty, start your life on a clean slate. Can you do that for me?"

"I can try."

"Pinky promise?"

"Pinky promise." I said while locking my small pinky with is larger one.

He smiled and continued driving.

When we got there we went through the same thin we did 2 days ago.

We sat for a few minutes until they asked us to rise for the judge yadda yadda ya.

"Just a recap of what happened Monday. Miss Nicole Brennan told us her side of the story and so did her father. Nicole's side seemed much more believable and she had proof. Where as Mr. Brennan here clearly lied." She said.

She continued her recap but I didn't really pay attention. I started listening again when she said, "so I have come to a choice."

She paused for affect. "Mr. Brennan is guilty......."

I didn't listen to how long he was going to be in jail. I was so excited I froze. "Oh. My. God."

That's all I could say.

"Case dismissed." The judge said with a bang of her gavel. She then walked out.

I looked at my father being escorted away with a police officer. Then I looked at Connor.

"I can't believe it." I said with a smile plastered on my face.

"I knew our side was the better one!" he said giving me a bone crushing hug.

When we pulled away he stopped and looked into my eyes.

I just stared at his green orbs as he stared back at my hazel ones.

"We did it." I whispered and he crashed his lips into mine.

I felt it.

The fireworks. The butterflies.

But I don't know who I like. Or if I like like any of them for that matter.

Why must life be so difficult?

When we pulled apart Connor grabbed my hand and we walked out.

"Connor, why did you kiss me?" I asked.

"I really like you Cole. I want to be able to call you mine and fix you. But Jc really likes you too." He said.

"But who ever said I like liked you?" I asked.

"I just kinda thought you did." He said scratching the back of his neck nervously.

"Con, it's fine just try not to do that again." I told him. He nodded and we got in the car.

When we got back i looked at the time. 1:00.

I decided to make myself some food, change into pajamas and watch Tv.

And sometime after I finished eating I fell asleep.


It was my father.

He broke out of jail and was coming back for me.

"Nicole you can't hide from me forever!" he bellowed.

I was currently hiding in a crawl space that he doesn't even know exists.

I looked for a phone and found my iPhone in my back pocket. I pulled it out and saw I had no service.

"Shit...." I whispered at my stupidness.

"NICOLE WHERE ARE YOU?!" He screamed.

I was not coming out.

Not in a million years.

I saw a little strip of light coming into the dark space.

"Are you in here?" he asked pulling the door away. "Ahh I found you."

At this point I was screaming.

He pulled me out of the space and beat me until I bled.


-end dream-

"NICOLE WAKE UP!" I heard someone yell.

I opened my eyes and realized it was a dream. And that I was drenched in my own sweat.

"Sorry it was a nightmare. About my father." I told the guys who were all huddled around me. "I'm going to shower a a change."

I ran upstairs and into my bathroom and took a shower.

When I finished I wrapped a towel around myself and walked out to find......



Who do you think it is?

Sorry fast update I will try to update again tomorrow


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