Imagine #14

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Requested By fovvsdimples .

Rye's POV

I was out for an afternoon walk and decided to go to Starbucks because being the basic bitch I am I wanted my Starbucks. I went into the small cafe and ordered my drink. My name soon got called and then I walked out of café and walked to where I was going to meet a few of my old friends I haven't seen in a while. I was looking down at my phone and then someone ran into me and I spilt my drink all over them somehow and knocked them down.
"Ohmygod I'm so sorry." I said as I quickly got off the phone and helped him up.

"It's always happens to me." He said in a cheerful tone.

"No it's not okay. You have Starbucks all over you." I replied as I looked him in the eyes.

I checked him out. He had a pikachu jumper on, black pants, and white trainers, his eyes were a baby blue that you would die to have, and his looked so soft. His smile was adorable and his voice was sarcastic yet gentle and kind.
"Here take my jacket for the time being." I said taking it off.

"I can't do that." He said.

"Yes you will. It's the least I can do." I replied as I handed him the hoodie.

"Thanks." He said as he quickly put it on.

"My name is Ryan...Rye for short." I said introducing myself properly.

"Andy." He said with a smile.

"So where are you heading off to?" I asked.

"I was actually heading to meet someone my friends keep telling me about." Andy replied.

"That's nice I was heading to meet some old friends of mine at Nandos." I said.

"That's where I'm heading to." He replied. And so we walked there together and found out it was the same group of friends and that they wanted us to meet but I guess fate had it planned out differently. The day had come to an end and before I left Andy handed me a napkin.

"Take it." He said handing it to me.

"Okay." I said kind of like a question.

I looked at it and it said it was his number:
(Not real btw I made it up) +44(719)-567-4483

I blushed. "Thanks mate. I'll be sure to text you later." I said as I got into my car.

One Year Later

"ANDREW! I swear to god I'm going to fucking kill you if this is a prank." I said.

"Ryan it's not." Andy replied.

"Prove it." I said.

"I'm going to say it again. Will you,Ryan, take the honors as being my boyfriend? I see good in you and I don't think I can fall any harder for anyone then you." Andy said putting his hands on my waist.

I was dumbfounded because I've wanted this for so long. "I-I would love to take the honors as being your boyfriend." I finally managed to get the words out and kiss him which I have never done before.

"It might be early but fuck it...I love you Rye. Who thought I would ever end up falling for a guy I met on a random afternoon." Andy said as he kissed me back.

Our relationship grew into something strong and we hung out a lot more then we should but we love each other and I can't wait to see what the future holds.
Okay loves I hoped you enjoyed this because it was quick but I also hope the person who requested this likes this too.

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