75 6 10

Nick: Hey I have a joke. Why didn't the 9 eat the 7?

Ghost: :3

Nick: because it already "8" *wheeze* HAHAHAHAHA

Ghost: -_- *gets up and walks away*

Nick: does anyone here know good humor?

Ghost: *walks in a store* hmm...

6: *bumps into him* OH HEY GHOST! I totally haven't been stalking you for for the last 2 hours or something *nervous laugh* yeah

Ghost: >->

6: ..... I call you senpai in my sleep....

Ghost: *just stares at him for a while*

6: .....I'm just gonna go to my basement and make weird noises. *goes away*

Ghost: ._. *grabs a bag of chips and leaves*

Clerk: wtf is up with people not paying?

*meanwhile, in other places...*

JACK: -and therefore we SHOULD NOT be on case today

Casey: =3= *pokes his nose*

JACK: what in the hell?

Casey: =b *pokes it again*

JACK: hey can you stop that?

Casey: .3. *pokes it even more*

JACK: FINE we'll go on case today >-<

Casey: lol yay

CD: OOOH can i join ^^

Casey: ...sure


Casey: .-. *radio make a noises* A MISSION

CD: TO THE BATMOBILE *jumps in the car*

Jack: >:c stealing my lines *more mumbles*

*other place*

FICTION: oh come on breh. I'm not even doing nothing -_-

Judy: I'm sorry sir but your loitering. Your gonna have to leave. Lol he's just NOW adding me to the story XD lol

FICTION: just don't want me to stand her cuz I'm black.

Judy:  .-. Can you please just leave

FICTION: fuck no nigga

Judy: *breathes in* then your under arrest


Judy: =-= *jumps on top if him and cuffs*

FICTION: damn girl easy!

BLACKOUT: *appears* can um...can someone hep me? Broke my arm

FICTION: DAAAAAMN my boy you fucked up!  You Look like a damn tarantula

BLACKOUT: I know Hannibal lecter ain't talking -_- you look like  someone pissed all over you. You need a shower

FICTION: you look like Donald trump

BLACKOUT:  you look like Hitler. get a life. You probably live in your mother's basement.

FICTION: ....*ears go down* my mom's dead.....

BLACKOUT: .......

Judy: what just happened .-.

Lol that's it. Sorry I've been focusing less on Jack and Casey. .-. Gotta make it different somehow xd

4 years down the line: Man what the fuck were these names???? I swear I just thought of the most random shit possible and decided that would be the name 💀

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