Chapter 15

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Serena's POV:

Nick had been right, the bond had definitely settled down since yesterday. I was actually able to go to the washroom without Darien getting riled up because he couldn't see me, even though he knew where I was and could see the closed door. We both still craved contact, but it wasn't as severe as it had been before.

Darien still hadn't let me sit on the couch yet, and he always pulled me onto his lap. I had slept like that all night, leaning against him as they talked well into the night. Apparently, Tarulk didn't need much sleep.

To Nick's surprise, Darien's strength and speed hadn't waned any. The three Tarulk were tolerating me better now, although I knew they weren't much for humans. Nick still refused to actually speak with me and Tristan still made no secret of his dislike of me.

Simply because I was human. Just like with my job at the café, I had remained steadfastly polite regardless of how they treated me. I had played a game of chess with Clair earlier today, so there was hope. Either way, we wouldn't be here much longer.

I put some flowers in a vase and arranged them as Darien spoke with Nick about the best way for us to leave this place. My supposed kidnapping by an asylum patient was still plastering our faces all over every news channel. The second someone recognized us, we would have unwelcome company on our trail.

The best thing for us to do was to leave the country. Preferably going to the other side of the world where such broadcasts would never have aired. Darien and Nick were going over which private flights could cross the ocean without an extensive background check or going through customs. I had never realized how fussy the airports were when it came to international travel. It may not even be possible.

I went into the backyard again to get a few more flowers. The rustling of the wind through the leaves was relaxing and the smell of the numerous flowers was refreshing. I was tired of being cooped up inside so it was nice to enjoy the sunshine.

Nick's backyard was huge with tall stone walls, but I wasn't about to wander far from the backdoor. I crouched down to look over some orange flowers and carefully cut one that was almost fully opened. I stood up and looked towards the house to ensure that I could still see Darien.

He was sitting where he could see out the glass door. His eyes met mine and I smiled softly in an automatic reaction. A smile graced his face before he turned back to look at what Nick was trying to discuss with him. The heavy bass of some sort of rock and roll music came out of the window.

I suspected that the music was probably Tristan's attempt to keep the romance at bay. Tristan really did not like me, and he was not pleased that Darien was my soulmate either. The loud music hadn't had any effect on how Darien or I reacted to one another, and I wondered how long it would take before he gave up since I knew he didn't like that type of music either.

I collected a few more flowers and went to collect a few green branches from some sort of decorative cedar tree that was growing beside the house. The sharp smell of cedar was a scent that I never grew tired of and I cut off several small branches in places where their absence wouldn't show.

I cut several pieces and carefully arranged the delicate flowers, the fragrant cedar branches, and the small pruning scissors in my hands so I didn't damage anything. I turned to walk back towards the door when the sound of fabric brushing against tree branches made me look back in alarm.

I hadn't even turned my head completely before a gloved hand covered my mouth to silence me. I tried to twist away, but Clair was much faster and stronger than me. Before I could completely comprehend what she was doing, she had me mostly tucked under one arm as she swiftly headed towards the nearby gate.

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