"Lets get sheet faced!" Robin giggled at Tina Anderson's flyer, "How stupid."
The two exited the classroom last, robin began rambling on about a story the time she actually got shitfaced. "Hey!" Margaret yelled at the boys taking off the plastic spider rings hanging from the cotton. "Leave the stuff alone, you guys. After halloween you'll be able to do whatever with the decorations, just keep it up for a week, please."
The jocks stopped their mess and continued walking, she went and fixed the tugged cotton then made their way back to the main hallway. Robin continued another story about her first party. She never kept the silence, robin was one with many stories and was the best at telling them. They shared laughs while she exposed Paul Renner for his crazy drunk dive in the dumpster. Till the two finally caught their breaths they turned to find steve and nancy, the one who caused the attention when he picked her up unexpectedly.
Their smiles faded as the couple kissed, marg turned her head and continued digging into her locker for distraction. She hid behind the door, keeping her sadness away from robin. "Do you miss him?" She questioned, it pained Margaret everytime robin mentioned Steve. It was not intentional, robin didn't realize how devastated he left her.
Margaret took a deep silent sigh and closed her locker, "no..not really" she lied covering it up with a small smile. She missed him dearly, his lips and warm hugs. How he would drag her places he wanted to go in the beginning of the relationship. She believed he used to love her, as much as he loved Nancy. It just irritated her, what did Nancy have that she didn't? Nancy was just...nancy.
She found herself hopelessly comparing herself to her old best friend, why did he love her so much?
"After school do you wanna go hunting for some costumes?" Robin snapped Margaret out of her emotions.
"Uh, yeah, I'll ask Jonathan." She turned to find him third wheeling with Steve and Nancy. Robin rolled her eyes, "I'll ask him after school" she couldn't keep her eyes off Steve. It's been so long since she actually stared at him, it never felt so good. He was her worst habit.
"Why don't you ask him right now? I mean hes right there."
"Yeah but-"
"Steve?" Robin questioned silently "marg it's been a year, how long are you gonna keep your distance? It's not like he has a restraining order on you. You won't be talking to him anyway, you'll ask Jonathan and then leave. Plus, he probably won't even see you there."
"Thank you, Robin" she sarcastically smiled before taking a deep breath. She nodded before taking off to her locker, marg walked over to Jonathan.
"Jonathan," the three looked over at Hawkins president "robin and I were planning on going costume shopping, I was hoping you'd join us." She felt their stare as jonathan nodded.
"Uh yeah, I'll join," he replied "Hey, I was gonna inform you- I got a call from Hawkins News," he grabbed her arm before continuing with his story.
"They wanted to me to do them a story" his eyebrows jumped.
"Jonathan, that's great!" Nancy beat her to it, the two glanced over at her. Marg couldn't help but to make eye contact with steve for a second before looking back at Jonathan. She clutched onto her books tighter than before while her eyes traveled to their feet.
"That's-that's amazing Jonathan" she nodded while her breakup haunted her mind, he noticed the change of emotion and was confused by it. She made eye contact with him before flashing a smile, "I'm happy for you, I know how much you wanted this. I'm glad you're finally getting it."
She wrapped her arms around his neck with support, "I'll see you after school" she mumbled while noticing Nancy and Steve stare at them hug. After Margaret walking off, Jonathan looked over at the couple.
"she's got a thing for you, Byers?" Steve stopped leaning off the locker he was on. Jonathan blushed, he glanced over at Nancy then back at Steve "I never really know with marg"
"But he noticed me, Robin. He saw me, I saw him" Margaret annoyed robin with her talk about Steve and Her's encounter. "It's been so long. I'm not gonna lie, it sorta hurt staring back into his eyes. I couldn't help but to think of our breakup, I didn't even get a hi or smile out of him, well-he didn't get one out of me either but, I don't know, I hoped for him to greet me? I guess."
"I told you, marg. He wasn't gonna notice you."
"But he saw me-"
"Doesn't actually mean he aknowledged you."
The two walked up to Jonathan before taking off to the halloween store. They examined many different looks before choosing a costume. Robin and Marg decided on being a character from the horror film Carrie. With robin being Carrie White and Margaret being Sue Snell. Jonathan walked out of the store empty handed, the girls tried to convince him into wearing something but he just wasn't too thrilled about it. After they dropped robin off, he took her to his house where she greeted his family.
"Oh!" She smiled "Margaret! Thank you so much for the letter. You always have a way with words!"
"Aw, thank you Joyce" Margaret blushed and looked over at will who walked out of his room.
"Hey, will! How you've been?" He smiled at her and sat at the table, his hands rested on the cloth as he carried a conversation with Margaret.
Jonathan and Joyce discussed about Margaret silently in front of the kitchen sink, she had been asking him to take her out some place. She hoped they would get together soon, she loved Margaret and enjoyed her company. She trusted her more than jonathan with will when she would end up working late at the radioshack.
As for Will, he loved being around margaret because she listened. Whenever joyce would drop him off at her house she continuously had fun things planned. She then would take him to Mike's place that wasn't far from hers.
She was indeed welcomed in the family, all of them adored having her over. "Why don't you take her out for halloween? Dress up as what do you call it? That movie with John Travolta," joyce was stuck while jonathan slowly stopped paying attention.
"Grease, mom. It's called grease" he sighed and carried two cups filled with fruit juice to the table.
"There! That's the one!" She nodded glancing over at will laughing with Margaret. She saw bob's car later stroll up in front of their house, "Bob's here!" she announced. Jonathan mumbled underneath his breath and rolled his eyes while passing marg her drink.
"And mike stood there in shock! It was hilarious!" Will gasped for air while he told his prank he planned on mike last weekend. The three sat at the table while will began sharing stories about Jonathan. As he continued, the more embarrassing they got.