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January 1, 2017 New Years, i haven't seen or talked to my father in 10 years, I told all these stories when i was a kid, "he was in the war" "he worked for the president" so on so forth but the main thing i asked for christmas then was to see him, i give up

February 14, 2017, my boyfriend Dravin is nice enough to get me chocolate and a little bear for Valentines day!

March 28, 2017, Good Riddance Dravin! Go fuck yourself!

May 23, 2017, mom's birthday again. i cant remember how old she is

June 19, 2017 today I'm 16, its been a tough 16 years 

July 20, 2017, today me and my new boyfriend Yawshua got together!! he forgot to ask in person, so he asked me over facebook, i'm so happy to be with him!!!!

August 15, 2017, i start my Sophmore year today.... I'm honestly terrified of what might happen this year. 

December 13, 2017, "i still deal with all of this shit, i wish it would end......." i keep telling myself as i sit here in my 5th hour class in Taos High hated by just about everyone i see. "today the day of December 13th i will try once more, if it doesn't work then death is sadly not for me... i have razor blades in my bag, someone help me" i think to myself as the song plays on, a cheery christmas tune, one that always brought me joy when i was small. 

the year i found out i have desiccative identity disorder.Where stories live. Discover now