Eric is Calling....
*Ladybird picks up*
Er Eric you there?
Eric my dude, have you died
Seriously are you ok
Ok Eric do you flipping have asthma because you're breathing all weird
Oh my god Eric, please try and give me some sign that you're ok
Ok so does that mean you're fine, or are you in so much pain that you can't even speak
Fine if you're feeling ok, and you're not dying clap your hands, if you can, if you're dying grunt
*claps hands*
Oh thank god
Now that I know that your aren't dying, can you speak
Eric seriously why aren't you talking to me, you're that one that called
Dude you know how to speak English, so speak
Man this is getting annoying, goodbye Mr Silent
*Ladybird hangs up*

Wrong Number (Discontinued)
RomanceIn which a boy calls the wrong number (No more updates as of late- I probably won't come back to this 🙁 )