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Chapter 08

- Mia White -

Half an hour later, the door finally swings open. At first, I tried telling them to let me go, but they didn't let me. I was practically freaking out, and just wanted to go home. I knew that Ben and Levi would never hurt me, but I was still scared.

From time to time, Ben would come up and check on me. He promised me that I would see Ace soon, but I just had to wait until they were done whatever they were doing.

So for the whole time, I just laid on the bed, trying to get some sleep, Unlike last time, I actually managed to close my eyes. It was only a short nap, but it helped me stay up a bit longer. So when the door opened, I practically jumped out of bed.

Ben walked in with a small smile on his face as he closed the door behind him. "You have a lot of questions, don't you?" he said, and chuckled when I glared at him. There were so many unanswered questions that I needed to know.

Especially if it was about Ace.

"Did he get into another fight?" I asked.

"You can say that," he replied. "And it's pretty bad," he added, knowing I was going to say how bad the injuries were.

"We didn't want you to find out because he didn't want you to worry about him. But I guess that plan failed."

"And it's your fault," I heard Levi comment as he walked into the room. "If you just lied to her saying that he was staying over, she wouldn't be here right now."

"I still would've found out anyway," I muttered, and they laughed. Ace would've told me either way, even if he tried hiding it from me. Like I said, he never keeps secrets from me.

Levi, Ben, and I went downstairs as they led me into another hallway. One of the doors were slightly open, the light from inside the room lit the dark hallway just a little. Levi said that Ace was in here, and that he and Ben would leave to give us some privacy.

When they walked away, I just stood there. What if I saw something I didn't like? I took a sharp breath, and slowly opened the door.

Ace was laying on the bed with his eyes closed. I tried not to blush when I noticed that he didn't have his shirt on. Now is not the time, Mia!

I closed the door, and when I shut it, he must've snapped out of his thoughts because his head turned to face me. I gasped when I saw a cut on from just below his eyes to his chin, and it looked like a knife was what caused the damage.

There were more that covered his chest, as well as dark bruises. His hands were covered in dry blood, and his knuckles looked scratched, as if he's been punching the wall over and over again.

Ace eyes looked empty, but when he saw me, a small smile made its way across his face. He looked happy to see me.

I walked over to him, and sat down on the chair that was beside the bed. The whole room made the illusion that we were in a hospital, but Levi mentioned when we walked here, that they had a personal doctor.

"Ace," I breathed.

"I'm sorry," he suddenly apologized, making me give him a look of confusion. "You couldn't go to sleep because you were worried about me."

I shook my head. "You don't have to apologize. I'm perfectly fine staying awake all night. I just needed to know that you're okay. But didn't I tell you to stop fighting? You're always trying to find trouble, aren't you?"

Ace grinned. "I don't go looking for trouble, Mia. Trouble finds me."

Did he really just quote Harry Potter?

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