Asked by Bsftmar
for Danny: WHen did you realize Jazz is like the best sister ever and your parent are like really really awful at parenting?? I mean they care about you and love you, but still...
Author-chan: DORKASAURUS!
Danny: What?
Author-chan: When did you realize Jazz is the best sister ever and that your parents are terrible at parenting?
Jack and Maddie: Hey!
Danny: Umm... I love Jazz and all, but she could probably tone down the psychiatrist shtick.
Jazz: Danny!
Danny: And I love my parents, but... you're not wrong. They aren't the best parents in the world, but they try. And they have their moments. You just got to wait for them.
Fentons: Awwww! <3<3<3
Author-chan: Awwww! That was cute!
Mansons: YOU HOOLIGANS!!!!!
Sam actively tries to get her parents out of the room so that they don't start a fight with the Fentons again.
Author: Thank you for the question! There were several roads I could've traveled down this chapter, but I decided to make it fluffy. *throws cotton in the air* Keep on asking those questions! I'm always happy to hear from all of you guys! And you guys don't have to feel awkward when asking a question. This whole book is about asking questions! So go for it! I'll see you in the next chapter. Until then, lamtumirë!

Ask Danny Phantom
HumorEver wanted to ask Danny Phantom and his friends questions? Well here's the place to do it! Ask them questions and get some answers!