CH 8 Byron Balthazar Aishiteru II (Fully Edited)
A short while later, after everyone has gotten some amount of sleep, we're all sitting in my hospital room after Ash bought everyone something to eat from Sonic's breakfast menu. In the middle of the night Dr. Jonn had come by and removed the needles from my arm, but they're apparently still waiting to get a few blood tests back as well as some... others. Mom already called the American Council of Vampire and Hunter Elders or ACVHE for short and informed them of the situation with Whis. So now, we're just sitting here in my room in silence. No one wants to talk yet. No one wants to officially disturb the peace. No one wants to start the conversation that currently needs to happen. So I take it upon myself to say what we're all thinking about. A history lesson to start the conversation off with.
"Vampires," I say softly. "Blue bloods is a much older term for them that actually refers to the chemical makeup of their blood that gives it its color. They're the enemies of families like mine. They have been since our ancestors were changed into vampire hunters and huntresses and humans. They are labeled as beasts, though not all are terrible. When my ancestor, Sousuke Sarada, and his wife Emille Sarada had their first child, a young Huntress girl by the name of Sarin, they raised her well. They taught her as any huntress child would be taught. They taught her that not all vampires are bad, yet not all are good either." I say and look over at my mom before looking back at Ash, "However, they taught her a few things that were previously unknown to hunters and huntresses before. That the whole reason for a vampires blood being blue, is in their DNA just like why a hunter's or human's blood is red. Vampires still have hemoglobin, but their venom turns their blood blue. This venom in their blood is detectable by Hunters and Huntresses alike. It is sometimes easy to get over the animosity caused by it, other times, not so much. The potency level rises as a vampire gets older, and when it gets to a certain point of potency." I stop and look over at Mom as Ash picks up where I left off.
"At a certain level of potency a vampire goes rogue. This is often because of an imbalance of hemoglobin and venom in the blood either due to not feeding or age." Ash passes the topic back to me.
"The venom also, since it is detectable by Vampire Hunters, causes hunters to feel a large amount of animosity, or hatred toward vampires... however..." I look over at Ash then look between him and mom before finally settling my gaze on Ash entirely.
"However, I feel no animosity towards you." I add and I look, once again, toward my mom. "How can I not feel animosity toward a vampire. Or whatever this vampire conduit thing is?"
Mom lowers her head and her voice comes out strangled, as if she's holding back tears. "This is one part of your studies I've always dreaded eventually telling you about. Ami, if you remember from your studies, every so often, there are children born in hunter families and vampire families that are of both hunter and vampire blood. They are born like this even without the father being the opposite race to the mother's. Meaning their parents are both either vampire or hunter. Well, there are even fewer of these strange anomalous children that turn out like our ancestor, Sousuke."
I nod in understanding and she sighs before continuing.
"These children that are so rare, they are known as conduits to their parent's bloodline. Usually when that happens there are two born on the same day, minutes apart. One boy and one girl. One hunter or huntress and one vampire or vampiress. They are never related, and are always drawn to eachother. Your eyes, they aren't a genetic mutation of mine as we've always told you. I've known this since you were born. Aminata, my little flower, you have the eyes of a conduit to the hunter line. and so does Ash but his are of the vampire line. Vampire eyes are silver blue, as you already know, but his are red. It seems that you and Ash are the chosen conduit pair," as mom finishes her speech there's a loud knock on the hospital room door.
I'd know that knock anywhere. I brace myself on the bed and close my eyes tight. Without even waiting for a reply, my giant of an uncle, comes into the room like a massive hurricane and sweeps me up into his arms, effectively ending a serious conversation.
He starts spinning around the room with me held tightly in his arms.
"My sweet little angel! I was so worried 'bout chu. Sadly though, I got caught in traffic on my way into the city last night. Not to mention there are hunters patrolling everywhere, looking out for Whis, One of them stopped me and refused to let me through the hospital doors without my ID! Hell, I'm not even a vampire!" while he's saying all this as fast as he can, he has me wrapped in his muscle bound arms in a bone crushing bear hug and is still spinning us around in a circle.
"Byron..." my mom says reaching out to touch him on his shoulder, "Byron... BYRON BALTHAZAR AISHITERU THE SECOND, LET MY DAUGHTER GO THIS INSTANT OR YOU'LL SUFFER THE CONSEQUENCES!" Mom yells and Uncle Byron huffs before sitting me back down on the bed. He turns to mom and I wince as his face starts turning an unhealthy shade of red.
"Forgive me if I was scared to death, nearly panicking, if I might add, two cities away while my favorite niece-"
"Of three," I interject.
"While my favorite niece was in the hospital, after COLLAPSING for NO APPARENT REASON" he continues after looking at me apologetically.
"I'm sorry. I know you were worried Byron, but she's not fit to be swung about like a rag doll at the moment. In case you dont remember, though you obviously do she's fainted, twice!" Mom huffs and crosses her arms.
Uncle Byron puts one hand on his hip, and staying true to his sexual orientation, lets out a saccharine drawl, "don't you saaaass me, I may be your brother-in-law, but she's my favorite niece and you know I won't do anything that will damage her."
"She," I say, pointing to myself, "is right here and can hear everything being said about her, and besides, I'm feeling much better now." I add and smile at Uncle Byron.
"She..." Uncle Byron points at me, "also needs to learn that worried uncles can be irritable and can be bossy. Now sit down and stop interrupting when the worried adults are talking about you." Uncle Byron says and pats my head before turning back to mom and starting up a random conversation as they walk over to a couch on the other side of the hospital room.
Ash sighs and rolls his eyes. "Some crazy family you got here, huh?"
I shake my head and smile. "You have no idea."
Mom and Uncle Byron shush us and I sigh. Well... guess I should be expecting some random family and friends to show up now...
An: I just triple chaptered you!
Did you think the posts earlier were all?
HA! One more to enjoy!
(Sorry if the posts are annoying... I'm trying to make up for being unable to post chapters for awhile)

Bitten: A Vampire ROMANCE?
Upíři"So, if I want to live, I have to make a drastic choice?" I asked him. "That's what I just said, isn't it?" He replied. "And if I can't handle it?" "Then you die, simple as that." ___________________________ Ami Aishiteru has lived a normal life. W...