Holly and Tinsel

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Makoto Kino was tending to some Christmas plants along with a tree she got which looked very pretty. She was thinking about how she and friends met the little Christmas elf. It would be devastating if Christmas stopped coming. She tries to shake off those feelings and get into the spirit of things by adding some holly and garland.

"Mako's Christmas Spirit level is pretty low." Tinsel said reading her Christmas Spirit analyzer as she reached her home.

The brunette heard a knock on the door and opened it to find Tinsel. "It seems that your Christmas Spirit is pretty low. I think I can fix that."

Tinsel and Mako were doing some fun Christmassy activities and singing carols together in a duet.

"It seems your Christmas Spirit is high once again." Said the elf.

Sailor Moon Saves ChristmasTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang