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A/N: This gets a bit mature, and not in the good way we all love.

After I close the door and lock it, I slump against it. I close my eyes as a deep blush spreads all over me, starting on my cheeks. I cannot believe I was so forward with him. I basically used him to fill a need. A need I didn't even realize I had until that very moment.

Sex with Jared was never fulfilling, and I generally had to take matters into my own hands after he was finished getting what he needed from me. The only orgasm I've ever had was self-inflicted. Until early today, anyway. That was amazingly intense. Between feeling my own desires, but his for me, as well? It was literally breathtaking.

I shake my head to get rid of where my thoughts are heading. I need to take a nap before work tonight. If I lie down now, I can get a couple of hours in. I don't bother pulling the bed out, but just lie on the couch and pull a blanket up to my chin. I snuggle in and close my eyes, and it doesn't take long for sleep to claim me.

I'm walking through what is now a very familiar forest. I know exactly where I'm going, and I'm excited to see my wolves. I pick up my pace, dodging trees and fallen branches to make my way to the clearing. When I get there, I sit on a log and wait. It isn't long before I hear a rustling in the dense woods. I turn my head, expecting to see three beautiful animals, only to see a rather large mangy beast.

Fear slices through me at the sight of the unfamiliar wolf. I stand up and hold a hand out to ward off the beast. And a beast it is. It's larger than JJ, Jamie and, Nev in their wolf forms. It stands a good foot taller than them on all fours. Its eyes are a glowing red, and its sharp teeth are present in a fierce snarl, saliva dripping onto the forest floor. It stalks toward me menacingly. I slowly back away, not wanting to make any sudden movements, my hand still thrust in front of me, as if that would be able to protect me from it.

I'm vaguely aware this is a dream, but I'm not taking any chances that it might actually be able to hurt me. I have my other hand behind me to make sure I don't run into anything.

"I don't know who you are, but I mean you no harm. I hope you mean me no harm, too." I tell it, using the softest voice possible. It cocks his head to the side, as if its considering what I say, only to let out a low growl, its eyes glowing and even brighter red.

All of a sudden, where there was a wolf, stands a man. The snarl is still very evident, but the red eyes are gone, replaced by a set of beady black ones. I recognize him as the man who terrorized me at work, and a shot of fresh panic courses through me. I barely survived my last encounter with him, and only because I had a weapon. I have no such commodity with me now.

I take in the state he is in. He is completely naked, and I quickly avert my eyes so I'm not looking at his junk. I look up at his face.

"What? You don't like what you see?" He sneers. I refrain from answering, knowing no matter what answer I give, it's not going to end up good for me. I clamp my lips together and don't utter a single sound. "Huh? What's that? No words? Well, then, you MUST be impressed. Want to touch it, Red?" He reaches down and starts to stroke himself.

I pinch myself in an effort to wake myself up, it doesn't hurt, which tells me I'm definitely dreaming, but it doesn't wake me up, either. I wrack my brain trying to figure out how to get myself out of this situation. He stalks closer to me and my hand brushes against tree bark. I stop because I'm out of room. I glance behind me to see if I can make a run for it, but he interrupts my thoughts.

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