I walk into school, completely nervous about...anything at that point. I knew Shadow knew me and I probably knew him. I needed to be careful of what I say and do, be observant, and on top, not look like I'm probably going to get kidnapped. Travis was walking by my side, in the same state I'm in.
"I'm gonna be your body guard when Howler isn't there." He smirked, holding a karate move. "Nothing is going to het past me."
It would help if he stayed in front of me. He ever so slightly stayed behind me.
"Body guard, huh?"
"What!? You're the superhero here!"
He hushed up once we started to move into the crowd.
"Do you think it's him?" He would say, pointing at random guys. "What about him? I think it's him!"
"I have no idea, Travis." I say, trying not to sound harsh. "Let's pretend that it's a normal day today, okay?"
"Sure." He says, smiling softly.
We eventually made it to the spot where my friends and I all meet up. Katelyn, Dante, and Laurance were already there, chatting.
"Hey guys!" Laurance greeted us when we walked up. "What's up?"
"Nothing much, you?" Travis said.
"Same. Garroth?"
Dante, Katelyn, and Travis all looked at me.
"Fine. Good thing it's Friday."
"Heh, yeah!" He says, smiling.
I felt my phone vibrate, meaning I got message. I pulled it out of my pocket, seeing it was from Aphmau.
Can you meet me in front of my first period class?
"Hey, I gotta go. I'll see you guys later." I say, with a smile.
I rushed off to Aph's class. When I reach the hall, she was standing by the door. She didn't look up and looked like she was about to break into tears.
"A-Aphmau?" I asked coming up to her.
She looked up. She smiled and wiped a few tears that escaped from her tawny colored eyes.
"H-Hey." She said, trying to hide the fact that she was breaking down.
"Is everything okay?" I asked, placing my hand gently on her arm.
She looked down and slightly looked over to something. I looked over as well, to see Aaron with another girl. He was kissing her and hugging her. He already moved on.
"Aphmau, don't pay attention to them. You're so much better than those two."
She frowned and started to let tears fall again.
"I'm sorry...I shouldn't have asked you to come-"
"No, I'm glad you did."
"Because I can do this."
I pulled her closer to me and kissed her. I felt her melt into the kiss, placing her hands on my shoulders. Once we parted, I saw through the corner of my eye, Aaron storming off, his new girl following close behind.
"You didn't have to do that." Aphmau said, slightly above a whisper.
"I did...He needed to realize what he lost."
Just then, the bell rung a two minute warning.
"I gotta go Aph...I'll see you at lunch."
She smiled and fixed my glasses that were a bit loft sided.
"I'll see you then."
She gave me a kiss on the cheek and went into her classroom. I went to mine with a bright red blush on my face...
Word Count
548Quick Update! I only have two weeks left of school (I ain't gonna be a freshie no more!) and that means a regular schedule! I wanted to update a little in each book this weekend so you can all enjoy yourselves, this one first. Anyways, I hope you all are doing great and I'll see ya'll later bai!<3
Treat people sweet!

A Superhero's Heart//A Garmau vs Garrence vs Glaze AU
FanfictionSuperheroes. You know? The ones that are considered outsiders at first and then get some big break? The ones that wear cool suits? The ones that have a special weapon or power to fight evil? Swoons someone with their...special stuff? The ones that a...