Mako stood at the ocean, the sun crept up into the sky, and Rosemary's warmth kept him ashore. She clung to his side, like he'd be washed up into the ocean, never to be seen again.
He kept a protective arm around her, and kept her against him.Rosemary his herself in his chest, and wrapped her arms around his neck. She can't let him go again, not alone. He's been through so much, the last thing he needs is to be given up on.
A clump of hair started rising to the surface of the ocean. It slowly raised and rocked in a walking pattern, so Rosemary knew it was a merman. She also recognized that shade of brown.
"Lem, he's going to be secretly sneaking us to the meeting between the tribe members," Mako whispered to Rosemary. She nodded and kept a steady hand on Mako's t-shirt.
When lemon was fully submerged from the water, he held this glare full of exhaustion. The fact that his best friend can't even keep a simple promise, is unbelievable to him.
"Mako," Lemon growled. His usually cheerful big bright eyes, they narrowed into bitter slits that seemed to be targeted on Rosemary.
"She has nothing to do with my decision," Mako said noticed his friend glaring at Rosemary, Mako blocked her from Lems view, "Don't look at her like that. Never again."
Lemon flared his nostrils and rolled his eyes. Rosemary flinched at the reaction, but still loosened her grip on Mako.
"I'm going to go with you," Rosemary reminded Mako. He looked down at her with a nod.
"Maybe you shouldn't, time passes differently than up here," Mako whispered down. His blue eyes caught every inch of the sunlight, making their blue tint an Amazon orange.
"Mako. You have no say in the matter. I'll go, even if you have to drown me," Rosemary said angrily. She could already sense that Mako was going to convince her out of it.
"Rosemary, I won't let anything touch you. So stay by my side, no matter what. I promise to get you back home, by nightfall," Mako said and lifted her hands to his face, and laid a gentle kiss on her palm.
"The stench of romance is stinking up the air, this kind of pollution isn't good for me. Wrap this crap up, and let's go," Lemon said spiteful. He had already been looking away, but he heard them whispering and gagged.
"Sorry," Rosemary said to the angry merman.
Mako shrugged and dove his lips against Rosemary's. He took her lips with his, and his hand slowly lead her into the water. His lips didn't leave hers until they were both fully submerged underwater.
The underwater kingdom remained dark, from a large cruise ship floating over its sun. So when Rosemary, Mako, and Lem reached the back entry of the castle, it was pitch black around them.
"I can't see at all!" Rosemary said, her voice gurgled into the bubbles. Mako laughed at her.
"I forget, humans can't see in the dark!" Mako said and put his arm around her, "Just hold onto me, shrimp."
"I'm not a shrimp!" Rosemary mumbled.
"Shrimp are the only sea creature that can't see in the dark," Lemon added, then he mumbled, "idiot."
Rosemary rolled her eyes, and felt the tension rising in Mako's muscles. He was suddenly stressed out, and Rosemary knew it.
"Lem, my man!" A familiar voice rang out through the water. Suddenly a figure, fast as lightening hit Lem. Rosemary scrunched her eyes to see the long messy blonde hair swirling around Lem.
"Hi Pom, long time no see," Mako said brimming with joy. He wasn't happy to specifically be seeing her, he's happy to see her so happy.
Rosemary productively held onto his arm, like she was strong enough to save it from any harm.
Pom turned around, and at first, she was beaming with joy. But the second she saw Rosemary, all that happiness died. It was like she was given a cupcake, and then news that she only had three weeks left to live. An immediate switch went off in Pomegranate.
"You're still with the human?" She asked, almost hurt. It was like she was genuinely hurt by the idea of Mako being in love with Rosemary.
"Yes..." Mako admitted. He couldn't help having to hide the smile that crept out. It was like he was introducing his girlfriend to his overprotective father for the first time.
"I see. Well why are you still around? Go on and live with it. Live with that flower named, friend stealing, oxygen breather," Pom growled and backed away from Mako.
Rosemary stared at Pom, and that's when she realized that Pom had no idea. She's completely oblivious to the fact that her boyfriend is dating a human, and that's why he rejected the chief title.
"Do you not know?" Rosemary asked, she shifted toward Pom, but Mako pulled Rosemary's arm back.
"Know what?" Pom asked.
"Rosemary! She's not ready," Mako suddenly said.
"Mako. If she's not ready now, then when will she be?" Rosemary asked begrudgingly.
"Know what?" Pom and Lem said identically at the same time.
"Jonus is dating my best friend Charlotte," Rosemary said and stared at the reaction from Pom.
"Pfff!" Pom burst out, "that's ridiculous! He'd never do that!"
"Its true," Mako admitted. Lem stared through them in disbelief. Rosemary gripped Mako's arm, as she was expecting Pom to flame out and throw punches.
But Pom remained as calm as an empty pool."Really?" Pom asked, her voice cracked at the end of it. Her thin shoulders lifted up and her hands covered her mouth.
Mako pulled away from Rosemary's grasp, breaking the one rule he gave her, by leaving her side. He wrapped his arms around Pom, in apology. While Lem looked at his sister in pity.
Pom let Mako hug her, but she could only think of Jonus and his loyalty to her. He promised her. He said he'd be her king and she'd be his queen. Why didn't he tell her that he was talking to a human?
When Mako pulled away, he suddenly felt a coldness on his forearm. He instantly pulled away to see why he sensed something.
His eyes landed on a needle, pointed towards him, in Lems hand. The confusion in Mako rose instantly. Then he snapped his head in Rosemary's direction.His confusion was replaced with anger. The fury in him, it blazed his eyes and he could see the fear in Lem.
The only words that were said through gritted teeth, were hard to spit out for Mako.
"...Where... is... she?" He nearly held back a scream. In that pause to answer second, Mako grabbed Lem on his fin, and pinched down, hard."Ouch! Dammnit!" Lem screamed out in pain, "she's with Fynn!" More than realization came crashing down on Mako. Pent up denial, to protect his friend crashed down, and Mako punched Lem so hard in the face, he went spiraling through the ocean.
Fast as lightening, Mako went speeding to Flynn's shell. Because he knows that Fynn has one natural born talent. That talent is to whipe the mind of a certain person, for good.
If Rosemary forgot who Mako is, then there'd be no reason for Mako to be with her, unless its for his own selfish reasons.

What You Mean To Me
FantasyRosemary Sprooter. She is sheltered. Her life has been set out in front of her. When she meets a strange boy at her favorite cafe, everything changes. She meets new people, who show her that her world is a lot bigger than she thought. These new peo...