chpt. six

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"I'm sorry." He looks down as he pulls way from me.


"Let's get to class." He suddenly says, standing up and holding his hand out for me to take.

I couldn't even adjust to his change of personality by the time he had pulled me up. How can he go from douche, to sweet and caring, and back to emotionless so fucking quickly. I just don't get it.

"Let's not talk about this." He mumbles before leaving me alone in the restroom.

He didn't even allow me to speak. I just stood there confused and baffled. My brain could not comprehend such a thing.

Before I went to class, I made sure to wash my face and fix myself a bit. I dried the collar of my hoodie with the hand dryer thing in the restroom and I finally looked like I didn't mentally die.

Just as I thought, everyone stared at me as I entered the room. I was ready to bury myself in a hole at that very moment. Especially when I saw Sean not even giving me a glance.

"You're late, Ms. Dayes."  Ms. V reminds me.

"Y-yeah.. Sorry. I didn't feel too good." I half lied.

"I'm sorry but I gotta give you detention." She says and my heart instantly sinks.

"Wait, what?" I say louder than expected.

The room falls completely silent.

I'm pretty sure that's the loudest I've ever spoken in my life.

I definitely wanted the ground to swallow me right now.

I've never gotten detention before.

I also hated the fact everyone was staring from my sudden outburst.

"I'm sorry but rules are rules." She states, handing me my detention slip.

My breath is shaking as I reach out to take it from her.

"Go take your seat."

I nod and walk to my seat with my head low. I felt like shit. Probably the worst day of my life honestly.

She begins to teach the listen and I didn't understand anything at all. I was trying, trust me. I really am. I just don't get it. Chemistry isn't my element.

I was more of a LA, Science, and History person.


I want it to fuck off.


The class went by painfully slow but I managed to make it out alive with killing myself. I couldn't wait to go relax in the library again. I needed the sile--



I have detention.

I mentally groan as I throw my head back in frustration.

I wanted to punch my table and smash my head against it.

Why can't I just be homeschooled?

I'd be doing so much better mentally and physically, literally.

As everyone existed, I stayed. Not to wait but because I had to. Ms. V stays seated as well as she waited for everyone to leave. I then noticed I wasn't alone.

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I turn to my left to find Sean seated quietly as well.

I had totally forgotten he came in late as well.

"Heyyo! Sean!" A voice pierces through our ears so abruptly as he pushes the door open and prances inside while waving his detention slip in the air. "You got detention too?" He laughed.

How fucking great.

Ken then sees me and smirks before smiling widely like a creep. He was just about to say something when Ms. V interrupts his commotion.

"Mr. San Jose. I would appreciate it if you respected the silence of my classroom."

"Yeah, and I would appreciate it if you didn't give me detention. But we can't all get what we want, now can we?" He smiled from his remark.

Ms. V immediately becomes frustrated as she stood up and grabbed the detention slip that he was practically waving at her face.

"Just take a seat at the back." She instructs before sitting back down.

"Cool." He clicked his tongue before walking to the back, clearly unbothered by her.

"Why does he have detention?" I asked Sean quietly, I don't even know why I asked.

"Why are you asking me? And why are you talking to me?" He muttered, crossing his arms and looking forward.

"Why are you acting like this? First you're nice then you're not?" My voice was getting slightly louder.

I was so annoyed by him.

"Can you just leave me alone?"

"And why don't you then?!" I whisper shouted.

"Ms. Dayes!"

My head snaps up to find Ms. V looking at me in disappointment.

"I've had it with you. Sit at the back with Ken."

You know that feeling when your parents call you, saying they need to talk to you? Then you start thinking of all the shit you could've done wrong? And how your whole body seems to have drained from all its energy? Well that's me right now.

I don't know if it was all in my head but it seemed like Sean reacted that way too.

"Wait, ma'am I--"


I gulped as I looked back to see Ken already smirking at me. My heart gets heavy as I look back forward and hesitantly stand up. My legs were shaky and heavy with every step I took closer to the back.

I was getting closer to him and I felt every part of me about to fall apart.

At this point, I absolutely feared him.

Just as I approached the table, I hear a chair squeak behind me.

"Wait, Ms. V. I'll move." Sean says.

I quickly look back and hear a "what" come from Ken.

My body freezes as we all anticipated her answer.

"Okay. Sit in the far left though. I don't trust you and Ken together." She states and I felt as if my body was about to collapse in relief.

Sean slightly looks back at me before walking off to his seat. I mentally thank him as I rush back to my seat. I held my heart as I tried to calm it from beating so fast.

"I'm going to go get my lunch. You guys stay in your seats. You understand me?" She says sternly.

We all nod and she leaves us at that.

I lay my head arms and head on my desk to hopefully rest for a bit at the least. Except someone had other plans.

"Hey there." A voice whispered in my ear and I instantly jerk back up.

"Wonder why you got detention." He smirked as he took the seat beside me.

"Fuck off." I scoffed, beginning to get up.

Except I was held down by his hand gripping my thigh and forcing me down.

"Stop!" I raised my voice at him as I tried to pry it off.

He squeezed tighter and it began to hurt.

"Ken! Stop it!" Tears brimmed my eyes as he just smirked.

"Hey Ken! Check this out!" Sean's voice rung behind me.

Ken's grip suddenly lifted and practically so did my soul as he looked back to Sean. I held back my tears as I looked back as well. He was pointing out the window and towards the field.

"The cheerleaders are practicing." He smirked with a short laugh and this gains Ken's attention completely.

"Oh shit, nice." He soon joins him at the window and they began admiring them like creeps.

As for me, I wanted to break down again. I wanted to just leave. I wanted to run away. But my heart and thoughts was just too heavy to carry.






Undefined | Ken San Jose, Sean Lew, Gabe De GuzmanOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant