Last chapter my doods... Listen to the song^^^
Two years later
Kara's POV
I spung infront of the camera with a big smile.
"WHAT'S UP MY DOODS!?!?!" I yelled at the camera and laughed at myself.
"Wow I'm pathetic." I said and smiled.
"Anyways,, today is a very important day for all of us here in this house. Today is the day that I have been hinting at." I said and smirked. But was I ready for this day? Not even close. She has been on life support for two years, and today is the day that we take her off.
"Um I know that for a fact I am gonna cry an ocean, like by myself. Then maybe carl can swim in the ocean I have created." I said and laughed and pointed to Carl the puffer fish. He is my bestfriend. He is the one i always turn to when i need to rant. He is my memory of her, other then Star. But i'm faking my way through it like she wanted me to.
"Um I will film later, maybe if I will ever get put together today." I said and fake smiled.
"But um yeah, I will see yall later. Peace." I said and placed my hand infront of the lens on the camera and turned off the camera. I went up a flight of stairs and up a ladder to our room. Because it is, our room. I flopped onto my bed and cried into my pillow.
"WHY!?!?!? WHY DOES HE HAVE TO TAKE HER!?!?!" I yelled into my pillow and punched my bed. I sat up and looked at my arms. There were many marks from my stupid self. She would't be happy with me. But i'm not happy with myself. I let this happen to her. I should have went with her. I should have never let her go on her own. I'm so stupid and i'm the reason why my bestfriend and sister is gonna die today. I never finished tour, just ended it. And I probably won't go on another. I walked over to the nightstand where her makeup was scattered everywhere and how she had her black sports tap sitting there. I picked up the sports tape and placed it on both my forearms so I don't do anything stupid. Everything layed the way she had left it. Her bed a mess seeing that she slept with Gray the night before. Her clothes scattered everywhere. I looked around our room and cried.
"You okay K?" Her mom asked and popped her head through the hole in the floor. Her face was puffy and splotchy as well. This day one year ago, Sean died. So this day really sucks dick if you ask me. She also had black tap on her arms. I'm pretty sure everyone in this house wore black tape on their arms. Other then Star because she was still so lottle.
"I mean no." I said and wipped under my eyes.
"I have something for you down stairs that I think Sarah would want you to have on a day like this." She said and nodded her head twords downstairs telling me to follow her. I climbed down the ladder and down the stairs to see everyone reading a composition note book. They were all light purple, her favorite color. Gray was reading one that said Dear Boyfried,, Whoever you may be and had one next to him that said Dear brother Crayon. Ethan was reading one that said Dear brother Weaty. Mom had one that said Dear Momma. She also had one next to her that said Dear Dadda. Cameron was reading one that said Dear Big Sis. Ray was reading one that said Dear Birth Parent's,, whoever you are. And there was one on the counter that said Dear Bestfried/ sister,, whoever you may be. But there was a line through the whoever you may be and above it, it said Kara. I placed my hand over my mouth and silently cried as did everyone else while reading there books. And Grayson was reading his outloud to Star sitting in his lap.
"AUNT KARA!!" Star yelled and held out her arms for me to take her and I took her from Gray and ran around the house with her for a little bit untill Gray had finished his books.
"Go read." Gray said and picked up Star and he pulled me close.
"You are gonna help me with Star correct?" He asked and nodded his head to Star that had her head in the crook of his neck like what Sarah used to do. I laughed and nodded my head.
"Like she is my own." I said and he nodded and walked upstairs. I mean I get it. He is scared to raise a child on his own. I walked over to the counter to see the journal sitting there. I am still in awe and shocked that she knew it was me. She knew that I was her sister and bestfriend. I pulled the book of the counter top and opened it slowly, starting to cry.
Dear bestfriend who ever you may be,,
Congrats! You are getting to read my journal written just for you!! You are so cool, you get your own journal just like everyone else!! If you don't already know, you are probably reading this because I am dead or about to die. But i'm not scared. So you shouldn't be either. And I will always be with you, you are stuck with me girly. Or guy if you are a dood haha. You are probably a girl though.
I Read on as she went on about what she has and how it has effect her life and how you her bestfriend shouldn't worry. I cried as I flipped the page.
Dear bestfried/ Kara
I really hope that Kara is reading this, and if not ummmm
I laughed a little as she went on about how she is pretty sure that she has met her bestfriend and how she really hopes that I am reading this. Well lucky for you Sarah I am reading this so it's not super awkward haha. I skimmed the pages to see that she started to head her pages with Dear Kara, which makes me happy. I read on untill I got to a page that was tear stained.
Dear Kara,
I regret startring that stupid fight about not signing you, but I promise you will be signed soon, I just can't sign you right now. I just am worried that you are gonna go home and hurt yourself or even drop me. Kara I love you please don't. You are here for a reason, and I promise that you will be signed soon if not already.
I remember that day. She was on her peroid and I was being annoying. Now looking back at my old 13 year old self, like ew why did I pick a fight with my bestfriend. Ew. But then again 17 year old Kara isn't any better. I smirked at myself remembering how much shit we started.
Dear Kara,
I smirked down at the book remembering that day like it was yesturday. It was hot-tub confessions and I was afraid of the dangerous man and she signed me to team broski. That night also was the night that Ethan and I became official and Sarah and Gray became a thing. That day was probably the best day of my life. We all were happy. And now look at us. Tear stained and black taped. I flipped through the pages and got to the last one, the first and last day of tour.
Dear Kara,
AHHH OMFG IT'S TOUR TODAY!!! We gonna get litttttttttt. But this will probably be my last show as well as my first. I have a feeling that something is gonna happen today because the Merrel Twins texted me and told me to meet up with them after everything. Plus you know me and my stupid fucking heart, so yeah. This will probably be the last thing for you. Honestly Kara you have made me the happiest girl in the world, and I am sooooooooooooo happy that I was able to have you by my side the whole time. I want you to keep the account going, don't stop because I am no longer here. And in reality, I still am here. Just not in public. But you will sense me. Unless a miricle happenes and I survive haha. Let's pray haha. Any ways I don't want you crying too much so yeah, just know that I love you and I will always be here for you. Run the account with the twins, tell Gray to date other people, go out and party like I know you can. Don't you dare stay inside and mope over me. Go live life. The way that you would if I was there. And I have a feeling Gray won't like this but wear my ring. At all times. (if I do end up dyin) Go get wasted. Go on tour with the twins. Go live in LA. Go do all the stuff that we would have together. Because I mean YOLO! I know that we will see each other some time in the future, but untill next time, gotta blast K. Love you forever and always bestie. PEACE!
I shut the book and held it close to my chest, not wanting to let go of her this soon. I wipped under my eyes and looked around the room as everyone looked at me.
"Ready?" Mom asked us kids.
"As ready as we will ever be." Ethan said and grabbed my hand squeezing it tightly. We all piled into the car and drove to the hospital in complete silence. We walked to her room to see her laying in bed, her chest rising and falling because of the life support. Her hair was framing her face and she looked at peace.
"So do we know what we are doing?" The doctor asked not looking up from his clip board.
"Yeah, we would all like to say goodbye first, is that okay?" Mom asked as the doctor nodded his head and walked out. We all also walked out and left mom with Sarah. After about 5 minutes Mom came out and Ray went in. Ray came out crying and Cam went in. Cam came out in tears and E went in. E came out with his face blotchy as I went in.
"Heyo hoe. That's what you would always text me." I said and laughed a little.
"Oh! You said that you wanted me to play this when you die." I said and pulled out my phone to play our song. Headband by B.O.B and 2Chainz.
"Yeah well I read the book, you are a good holy shit you hit my feels bro." I said and sat in the chair and pulled it next to her bed.
"You know, I really hate doing this. Saying goodbye. I feel like I have had to say goodbye to everyone. And the one person I thought I wouldn't have to say goodbye to would be you, so I'm not gonna say good bye. Imma say that I will see you in the future. Or see you soon. Because, I will see you soon. Because you are my best friend and we can't be seperated for long or imma die haha." I said and held her hand.
"I love you so much Sarah, but untill next time, gotta blast broski." I said and did the outro that her and I together came up with. I smiled a little knowing that she would have smiled too.
"Love you Sarah." I said and kissed her head knowing that it would be the last time seeing my bestfriend. I walked out of the room and cried into Ethan's shirt as Gray went in.
Grayson's POV
I walked into the quiet room and instantly didn't wanna be here.
"Hey Sarbear." I said and pulled the chair close to her bed and held her hand, her left hand where her ring is. I picked up her hand feeling the warmth of her touch still there. I kissed her hand sweetly and played with her fingers.
"Honestly I don't know what to say other then that I promise this ring will never leave my hand, and that you will be my one and only. I will love you forever and always and this never, will always be my forever." I said and licked my lips.
"Damn. Just to think that we did it when you were 14." I said and laughed knowing that she would have as well then hit my arm.
"Imma miss us Sarah. But I will always love you no matter what, and I will always have a memory of you when I look at Star or when I look down at my hand." I said and smiled thinking about how Star is right now at home with Aunt Clare. Yeah, we have a baby girl. Her name is Star. Sarah had to have and emergancy seasection for Star. But Star is our healthy baby girl. She is turning two in a couple of weeks and is a spitting image of Sarah.
"I will never forget you." I whispered and kissed her lips to feel her warmth and that spark one last time. I pulled away and sighed, hoping that she would have awoken by true loves kiss but that is only in fairy tales Grayson. That is only in fairy tales that you tell your daughter. I kissed her lips for the very last time and walked out of the room saying that everyone was aloud in. The doctor came in and asked if we were sure that we were ready.
"As ready as we will ever be." I said and held Sarah's hand, not wanting to let go just yet. The doctor went over to the machine and slowly turned it off as the warmth from Sarah's hand slowly left, leaving her hand as cold as ice. I felt my eyes fill with water and I looked up, not being able to look at my babygirl, leaving me and becoming lifeless. I looked down to see her eyes lids fluttering.
"Whats going on??" I asked and pointed at her face.
"Well that's not supposed to happen." The doctor said and my mom cried into Ray's chest.
"GET HER INTO THE BLACK ROOM ASAP" A man yelled and started to pull on her bed and dragged her to the 'black room'. Please don't leave me Sarah. You can't leave us Sarah.
"DADA!!" I heard a little girl yell as Star came running twords me and jumped in my arms.
"Hi princesss." I said and picked her up and glared at Aunt Clare.
"She wanted to see her dad." Aunt Clare said and threw up her hands in defense. Kara wipped under her eyes not wanting to cry infront of her god-daughter.
"Hey pretty." Kara said and walked over to Star and I.
"Final goodbyes while she is still breathing." A nurse said and left our room. We all walked to the black room and Star looked away and burried her head in my neck. Just like Sarah would if she was cold or when she was trying to get comfortable. Or when she was scared.
"Dada I scared." Star whispered into my neck making me shiver. Sarah used to do that.
"It's okay babygirl." I said and rubbed Stars back, calming her down and making her breathing even. Star also has ASD but hers isn't life risking, and if it ever comes to that I will be there for her. Kara pushed everyone out of the room to leave Star and I with Sarah.
"Star meet your mommy. You aren't gonna be able to see her soon but she is the reason why you are here. She makes me very happy. She reminds me of you." I said and booped Stars nose making her laugh. Star saw Sarah's ring and put it on her thumb, it being a little big but she should grow into it. I kissed Sarah's head and then her lips, for one last time.
"I love you Sarah." I mumbled agenst her lips waiting for her to kiss me back. That would be a miricle.
"I love you too Gray." I felt agenst my lips and then was kissed very passionatly. I pulled away to see Sarah smiling, looking peacefull.
"I love you." She said and then rested her face seeming at peace.
"I love you too babygirl." I said knowing that that would be the last time.
"I love you too mommy." Star said and kissed Sarah's head.
"She loves you too Star." I said and walked out of the room with Star in my arms. You would think that I would be fighting for her to stay alive, but this is what she wanted. And she seemed so peacefull, I didn't want to ruin that for her. This is what she wanted. Not to die, but she just wanted peace. Plus I know that if I called in a doctor she may be still alive yes, but she would be so stressed out, and with her ASD she probably would have died in about a week let alone 24 hours. Not only is she at peace but I was also at peace. I shut the door to the room behind me and turned around to people Applauding to me. But I know it wasn't for me. Star also started to applause which made me laugh a little. This applause wasn't for Star, Kara, E, me or anyone else. It was all for Sarah. She finally got her applause, and the one that she wanted. She finally got her applause.THE END! I really hope that you guys enjoyed that book as much as I enjoyed writing it haha. I am very thankfull for all of you who reads this and yeah. Comment if you want a sequal or an epilouge or something haha. I love you all and untill next time,, PEACE

FanfictionI was adopted. He dated my bestfriend then broke her heart. I think I may like him. She still likes him and wants him back. Shit....