lauren called my name for candor or dauntless ugh shes so annoying and when she took of her shirt it just grossed me out i just look at tris with a big stupid smile."duh dauntless" i say when will,zeke and uriah give my fist bumbs "i dare you to play 7 mintues in heaven with the hottest girl in the room" ok" i say and get up i see lauren getting up i grab tris hand and bump lauren while we walk to the kitchen.tris goes to the fridge and when she turns around i plant my lips on there it starts to deapens and i kiss everyone of her raven tattos until zeke comes and we head back to the circle i see tris trying to hide something but i didnt know what oh well.
it was my turn now "zeke dauntless or candor?" "dude! dauntles!!" he says i think for a second "kiss the girl that you would date" i say he walks up to tris and i give him a death stare and he only kisses her on the forhead and i give him a thumbs up then he goes over to shaunna and has a long kiss NO PDA we all scream and he sits back down. "tris candor or dauntless?" "dauntless!" she says "i dare you to take the peace serum" he says i look at tris and she looks back at me and smiles i smile back uriah gives her the serum and she plunge it in her after 1 mintues she is crazy shes doing twirls and jumps and playing duck duck goose with everyone. she then falls in my lap "TOBY!"she screams i look around and nobody notices she said almost my real name i laugh and say "yes tris?" "i love you so so so so so so so! MUCH!" "i love you to tris" she gives my a big kiss and plays with my hair. "your hair is super SEXY! she says.
tris is still on it we made out like 10 times already lauren left early but peter was still here."hey tris!" says uriah tris sits on his lap "yes uri?" " how do you feel?'' "AMAZING THE BEST! AWESOME SUPER DUPER GREAT!!!" tris keeps brushing his hair and i start to feel jealous amd it was 1 am " come on tris lets get you home'' i say "okay toby" she say quitely it must be wearing of we get in the car and tris is almost asleep she looks so peaceful and adorable until her phone rings and she wakes up and answers it "hello?" she says but there was no collar ID "hello?" she says again.."hel-' tris stops for a second then she starts screaming load and laoder the car was swearving back and forth until we run into something and everything

Divergent High
FanfictionWill there be love? Or heartbreak? Life decisions or mortal damage? With the best charters four, tris, Christina, will?, Marlene, zeke,Uriah, Lynn. And the rest of the gang too! Read to find out in DIVERGENT HIGH!!!!!