"well, i think we should get you to bed" Liam sighed trying to lead Harry up the stairs, he was doing his best to resist.
"no, i want to know what's happening" he said. he sounded like a baby, i thought Harry would be an aggressive drunk but apparently not. "what happened to your foot?" he asked me, his eyes squinting.
"she broke it mate, come on" Liam said trying again to drag Harry upstairs.
"are you coming to bed Sarah?" Harry slurred, a sly smirk on his face
"yeah ill be up in a bit" i sighed, its the only way that stubborn boy would move up another step. he smiled and allowed Li to half carry half pull him up to his room.
"are you ok?" Niall asked
"yeah, are you? you seemed a little off when you saw that girl" i said
"yeah im fine, and that girl is Jess" he laughed
"who is she?" i asked curiously.
"long story, but shes one of our friends, well mainly Harry and Zayns but she hangs round with us most of the time" he said
"oh right, she doesnt seem too friendly" i said truthfully
"shes alright, once you get past the bitchiness shes actually quite kind and sensitive" i could sense some unknown emotion in his words but its too late to be nosey so i let it go. "where are you sleeping?" he asked
"i have no idea" i shrugged
"she can stay in my room if she wants? ill stay on the couch" i looked towards the door to see Louis walking in and closing it behind him. "is he back?" he asked
"yeah, Jess just brought him back, said she found him in the club. hes hammered" Nial explained what had happened in Louis's absense.
"i couldve guessed as much" he sighed. "where is he?"
"Liams taken him to bed" i said
"oh right, ok so where do you wanna sleep?" he asked me
"ill be fine on the couch, honestly"
"no way, out of the question. you need to rest" he shook his head
"Louis i can rest on the couch" i laughed
"Sarah i really think you should be in a bed. you can have mine if you want" Niall said
"fine ok, but im not making anyone sleep on the couch, if it isnt good enough for me then it isnt good enough for anyone"
"well in that case you may wanna go in with Niall because his bed is bigger" Louis suggested
"is that ok?" i asked him
"course it is" he smiled. i nodded
"ok, next problem. how am i going to get up the st- oh" i shut up as Niall lifted me bridal style and carried me with ease up the stairs. "thank you" i said
"how else did you plan on getting up here" he laughed
"i have no idea" we both laughed as he carried me into his room. it was a lot tidier than i had anticipated. only the odd item of clothing heaped on the floor.
"sorry about the mess" he apologised as he set me on the bed. i looked at him as if he was crazy
"dont worry about" i laughed
"uhm- ill go and get you some pyjamas" he said scratching his neck
"okay, theyre in my bag beside the door" he nodded and left the room. it was a nice room, three of the walls were painted cream and the other a pretty shade of green. pictures littered the walls and i noticed the irish flag pinned up behind the bed, i chuckled and looked out of the window. the houses on the opposite side of the street all had their lights out, not surprisingly. all of their gardens were immaculate, just like this one. i wonder who does their garden? and who cleans?
"here you go" Niall said handing me some of my pyjamas as he walked into the room
"thanks, was he asleep?" i ask, the curiosity taking over
"flat out" he replied "ill give you a minute to change" he said before leaving the room once again. i removed my long sleeved t-shirt which had dirt all over it from the fall earlier and replaced it with the tank Niall had given me. thankfully my pyjama pants i had on were very loose so i removed them fairly easily considering the giant cast that was wrapped around my foot. i slid into the shorts and gathered my hair into a loose ponytail. there was a knock at the door
"come in Niall" i said loud enough for him to hear. he walked in and his eyes widened
"im sorry, i promise you i didnt realise how short those shorts were when i picked them up" he blushed. i looked down at the shorts realising just how short they actually were, they only just reached the top of my thigh. ( pyjamas )
"its fine" i blushed trying to pull the covers over my legs.
"here, let me help" he said walking around the bottom of the bed and over to me. he gently slid his arm under my knees making goosebumps spread over the entire area, he lifted them, pulling the duvet up and over my legs, he put them down and pulled the duvet up higher over my body. he flashed me a toothy smile before walking over to his wardrobe, he opened the door and took out some shorts. i watched as his arms raised over his head as he removed his top, then his sweats were pulled down. i quickly looked away blushing as the pants pooled at his feet. a few moments later he shut the wardrobe and walked back over, still no top but the shorts he pulled out earlier rested nicely on his hips. what i was most drawn to was his tattoo. form what i can tell, he only has the one but its the exact same as Harry's, 'make a stand' written across the span of his collar bones.
"Niall? can i ask you something?"
"course" he says climbing into the bed beside me "oh wait, almost forgot" he jumped back up and crouched down, searching for something under the bed. he retrieved two pillows and walked over to my side, he removed the duvet from my legs slightly and lifted my injured foot, placing the pillows gently beneath it before replacing it. the height took away a lot of the weight and in turn relieved some of the aches.
"thank you" i smiled
"no problem, so what did you wanna ask?"
"what does your tattoo mean?" his face dropped slightly "Harry, he has the same one" i added to try and justify my question.
"uhm- we all have them" he said sliding back into bed "it just symbolises our uhm- connection as uhm- friends" he stuttered
"oh right" i nodded, i dont fully believe him but my eyes are shutting already
"go to sleep" he said
"mhhm" i nodded
"goodnight Sarah"
"goodnight Niall"
"SARAH?!" i woke up to someone screaming my name "where the hell is she?" Harry shouted. i sighed, rubbing the remnants of my sleep from my eyes. Niall groaned form beside me and rolled over to face me, his eyes were still shut and his breathing was fairly deep meaning he was either still asleep or really good at ignoring things. my head shot up as someone burst through the door, and it didnt take a genius to work out who it was.
"what the fuck!" he shouted from the doorway. his eyes were bloodshot and he was still wearing the clothes from last night, his bruises were still visible but they had faded a little.
"good morning Harry" i said bitterly
"what the fuck do you think your doing?" he asked, his voice lowering considerably yet still loud enough to shake the walls.
"well, i was asleep" i stated
"dont be fucking sarcastic with me"
"what the hell man!" Niall said finally waking up
"nice of you to join our little bedroom chat" i smiled earning a slight chuckle form him.
"youve got a fucking attitude this morning" Harry said slightly amused. "now get out of his bed"
"oh theres the angry Harry we all love" i joked
"im not joking Sarah, get the fuck out of his bed"
"ok, whos going to carry me? or are you going to get my wheelchair and push me down the stairs?"
"im loving your new mouth" Niall laughed "you must be in a good mood"
"i had some nice medication actually, its made me cheery" i smiled
"wheelchair? what the fuck are you talking about?" Harry asked growing more impatient with every second i lay in this bed. it was quite funny actually, seeing him this riled. i rolled my eyes and removed the duvet to show my cast.
"what the? oh" his hand rubbed his forehead as if he was trying to remember and forget something all at once. "is it broke?" he asked
"i think the word he used was snapped but effectively, yeah" i nodded
"you think your smart dont you?" he shot
"no, just homeless" i shot back. his mouth fell open slightly and an emotion closely resembling regret crossed his eyes.
"Sarah" he said
"just leave it yeah? i promise you that once i get back on my feet i will find somewhere else to live" i said truthfully
"but thats not what i want" he said
"i'll leave you guys to it" Niall said swinging his legs over the side of the bed.
"no, Niall its your room, i'll go" i said
"id like to see you try" he laughed
"fair enough"
"shout me if you need me" i nodded and he left.
"so" Harry said sitting down on the bed
"so" i said
"Sarah, im so sorry" he said letting his head fall into his hands.
"for what?" i asked
"everything that i said yesterday. i didnt mean it, i was just pissed off at myself for being late and upsetting you, and i just got all worked up and ended up taking it out on you which i shouldn't have done. so im sorry"
"really?" i asked "Harry, you really upset me yesterday"
"i know" he lifted his head to look at me and i could swear there were tears in his eyes
"is Harry Styles about to cry?" i asked trying to lift the mood.
"no" he quickly swiped his hand under his eye wiping away any evidence of tears "im really sorry"
"i know" i smiled weakly
"you do?" he asked shocked
"yea, i think it may have something to do with the pain meds i took a couple of hours ago but im really not in the mood to hold a grudge" i laughed
"so thats why your all sassy, your doped up"
"maybe" i sang making him laugh
"i like you like this" he smiled
"i like me like this"
"so am i forgiven?" he asked
"yeah, why not" i shrugged
"good" he leaned in as if to kiss me but changed his plans at the last minute instead deciding to attack my sides with tickles, i laughed whilst trying to stay still which wasnt hard considering my whole body was numb. these meds give me really bad mood swings, although im kind of liking the care free Sarah that i have become at the minute. im sick of over thinking and analysing things. Harry stopped his actions and hovered over me. before he could do anything i leant up and connected our lips, he kissed back immediately.
"hmm, im gonna have to get some more of those pills" he laughed after pulling away.
"shut up and help me downstairs" i laughed. he pulled the duvet away and his eyes widened at my appearance, then his fists clenched, not again.
"you were in bed with Niall wearing this?" he asked
"Harry dont, please. weve just gotten through one fight, i dont want another" i sighed. he seemed to think about that for a minute beofre letting it go and picking me up.
"i am really sorry you know" he said again whilst carrying me into his bedroom
"just try to control your temper next time" i said
"ill try, i have some slight anger problems"
"some slight anger problems? i think thats the understatement of the year" i laughed
"yeah, yeah" he said placing me down on the bed. "where are your clothes, in here?" he asked picking up my bag i brought home form Brett's
"yes but could you pass me those instead?" i ask pointing towards the shopping bags from the other day. he nodded and walked over picking them all up in one hand and put them on the bed next to me. i immediately started rummaging through the bags looking for my new knee length dress that was absurdly expensive, but Lucy convinced me to buy it because it 'showed off my figure'. i pulled it from the bag and looked at Harry who was looking at something in one of the other bags. i looked down to see where the bag was from to try and think what could be in it, 'victorias secret'. my eyes widened and i quickly reached for the bag but he snatched it away smirking before i could get to it.
"Harry! give it back" i whined "its not fair, you have an advantage because i cant get up" i pouted. he just laughed and reached into the bag. "Harry! stop it" i blushed. his smile widened as he pulled the lace bra out of the bag.
"did you choose this?" he asked bewildered, finally looking at me instead of the material in his hand. i nodded shyly and watched his smile grow into a grin. "wow. you have good taste" he noted diving into the bag again. i didnt bother trying to protest this time. his hand emerged with the matching knickers as my blush grew.
"i may have to send you shopping more often" he smirked. i reached out and snatched the lingerie form his grasp.
"shut up" i grumbled "now get out whilst i change"
"okay, moody" he laughed
"says you"
"i dont know how how i feel about leaving you on your own to change, you could hurt yourself" he said with that familiar cheeky smirk plastered on his face.
"i think ill be fine" i assured
"you sure?"
"yes" i laughed "now go"
"okay, shout me when your done"
"i will" he left through the door and shut it behind him. i sighed happily. im glad i forgave him, i think. i dont like holding grudges, they're not healthy. at least now things wont be awkward. i changed into the dress fairly easily and brushed out my hair with the hair brush that was in my handbag which i had left in here. feeling brave i slowly stood up, making sure to not put pressure on my broken ankle. i grabbed onto the desk and slowly hobbled/hopped over to the door. i took a deap breath, who would have thought making that short of a journey could be this exhausting. my ankle ached a little form the exertion but it wasnt anything i couldnt handle. i opened the door and saw Harry stood on the otherside of the landing, his eyes widened in shock as he saw me and he immediately made his way over, steadying me.
"what the hell were you thinking?" he asked
"Harry, im fine"
"you could have fell" he said
"but i didnt" i laughed "i just need to go to the bathroom and brush my teeth"
"you shouldve shouted me, i wouldve carried you" he huffed
"you cant carry me everywhere"
"i can try" i shook my head as we walked into the bathroom. i looked at him with my eyebrows raised as he shut the door behind us, "what? you think im leaving you again?" he laughed
"Harry" i protested
"nope, i stay" he stated. i sighed heavily as he helped me over to the sink. i brushed my teeth, stealing a few glances at the idiot sat on the bath tub every now and again. once i finished i put my toothbrush down and grabbed my make-up bag from the counter. if you didnt know any better you would seriously think i have lived here forever. i pulled out my powder and applied a small amount to my face whilst watching Harry through the mirror, his eyebrows were furrowed and he was shaking his head slightly.
"what?" i asked whilst putting some mascara on my eyelashes, i was lucky enough to have fairly long eyelashes. the only problem is that theyre blonde, regardless of the fact that i have brown hair.
"why do you wear so much make-up?"
"thats not a lot, its only powder and mascara, and now lipgloss" i added before applying a thin layer of the pink gloss to my lips.
"you dont need it though"
"thank you for the compliment, but i beg to differ" i laughed
"you really cant see it?"
"see what?" i asked
"how beautiful you are" i looked at him as if he was crazy
"you must be blind if you believe that" i said truthfully "anyway, im done now" i said changing the subject and starting to hobble out of the room
"oh no you dont" he said jumping up. he walked over and lifted me into his arms. i shook my head amused "how else were you going to get down those stairs?" he asked
"actually, i was going to bum shuffel" i said causing him to laugh loudly
"id love to see that" he said
"put me down then"
"oh look at that, too late now" he said stepping down the stairs. i glared at him playfully as we reached the hallway were my wheelchair was sat waiting. Harry carried me straight past it
"what are you doing?" i asked
"taking you to the living room"
"surely, your arms must be hurting my now? i weigh like 10 stone" i said, disgusted at my weight
"Sarah, i can assure you that you do not weigh 1o stone" he laughed "more like 8, your tiny"
"i am not" i argued.
"you really are insecure arent you?" i nodded as he set me on the couch
"its not as if i dont have good reason" i mumbled "have you seen my body, its pathetic"
"shut up, your body is perfect, all i have been thinking about for the past half hour is how you would look in that set you bought from victoria's secret" i blushed and looked away. i heard him laugh and sit down next to me. "you dont have to be embarrassed" he said.
"how have you not got a hangover?" i asked changing the subject yet again
"you learn to ignore it" he shrugged "ans i wasnt that drunk" i scoffed at his defence
"lies, you were so far gone i could hardly see you" i laughed, he looked at me funny and pushed my head
"how did i get home?" he asked
"if you werent that drunk how come you cant remember"
"shut up and tell me" he sounded pissed off but i could see the smile fighting to come out.
"some girl called Jess brought you" i frowned "she said she found you in a bar with some girl" his face dropped as i explained what happened
"im so sorry" he said
"why are you sorry?" i asked
"well again for everything yesterday and also for apparently being with a girl last night" i nodded. hearing that Harry was with a girl in a bar did hurt me, but he doesn't need to know that. he might think im too attached to him and needy.
"its got nothing to do with me" i shrugged trying to act as if i wasnt at all bothered.
"of course it has. i mean, i know weve only been out once but hopefully, if you'll let me, id like to continue taking you on dates" i smiled and nodded
"i might do, we'll see" he smiled and turned to watch the tv. hes so sweet sometimes. sometimes, thats the only problem.