They heard a gunshot in the distance. "I'm done with this nonsense. Let's look in one of the houses for a gun or a knife." Ethan said.
"Okay." Amanda agreed.
They found 3 sharp knives and a big shotgun.
"He'll be here soon. Amanda, you stay with the kids. Okay?" Ethan said with fear in his eyes.
"Okay" she replied.
Ethan ran out. He was prepared, but not exactly ready for the dangers that lay ahead. The hunter rushed into the town. He tried to make his move into the house the kids and Amanda were in but all of a sudden they heard a gunshot. The hunters assistant fell limp on the ground.
"HELP!" his assistant said.
"Sorry old friend... it's hero time" the hunter replied.
Ethan had missed the hunters assistants heart on purpose. The assistant really didn't want to do anything the Hunter wanted to do. He just stood there to help him out and carry stuff.
"But, Wait, Please!" the assistant cried.
The Hunter just shook his head. The Hunter forgot which house he was going into so he went to a different one. It was Ethan's turn to strike. He grabbed the Hunters assistant. Pulled him over behind a bush and asked if he was alright as if nothing had happened.
"I'm alright. He's planning to kill your wife and children." He said.
Ethan didn't have any time to correct him that Amanda was not his "legal" wife. At least not yet. He had to make his move on the Hunter. He was ready.
"You don't mind if I kill him right?" he asked the Hunters assistant.
"Not at all" he replied.
He seemed quite happy that man was about to die. Ethan never wanted to offend anyone so always thought to asked the person's friend if it's okay to kill their friend.
"Oh, also, my names Harry." the assistant said.
"Okay!" Ethan replied.
He thought that harry was suitable if him and Amanda ever had another boy. He readied the gun. "Aim, reload, FIRE!" Ethan said. The bullet hit the Hunter right in the Heart. He was finally dead within seconds.
"There." Ethan said brushing his hands together and smiling.
"WooHoo!" Harry yelled.
Amanda came running out with the kids. "YOU DID IT!" she shouted.
"I'd do anything to keep my family safe" he exclaimed.
Harry played with the kids and just smiled. He was so happy to be rid of that retched Hunter. "So your Hunter hu?" Harry said holding up Hunter, "What a suitable name!" Amanda and Ethan smiled.
"Pineapple!" Hunter replied.
"Oh yay!" Harry yelled.
"That was his first word." Ethan explained that they called the Hunter Pineapple.
"Oh... that explains it!" he said smiling at Hunter.
"Pineapple!" Hunter repeated.
"Great job sweetie!" Amanda exclaimed.
They made some fresh apple pie and celebrated the defeat of the Hunter. Although the Dread Pirate Roberts were still out there in the world, it was still one less villain to destroy. One less vilan to run from. One less vilan to hide from. They had a feast of roasted chicken, Pasta Puttanesca, fried chicken (Amanda's grandmas recipe), and some regular pasta with sauce and meatballs, some garlic bread, cheese and crackers, apple pie, cake, just regular old pasta with butter and a little bit of salt for the kids. And much more. They devoured it all. It was all gone. They prepared another bed in the house for Harry to sleep in.
"Also, Harry. Amanda's not technically my 'legal' wife. Not yet at least." Ethan said with a smile before turning off the lights for Harry.
The two just chuckled.
"What? I didn't have the time to tell you before I killed Pineapple!" He laughed.
"I know! That's what makes it so funny!" Harry stated.
"Pineapple." they heard someone faintly say.
"Pineapple means go to bed man!" Ethan said, and laughed so hard he fell on the floor.
"Ha! Good one!" Harry said.
"Enough jokes for one night boys... let's get some sleep" Amanda said with a big smile on her face.
"Sorry honey, it's the first time we've both got to joke in a while." Ethan said.
"I know but the babies and I are trying to sleep." she replied.
"Okay" the men said in unison.
"Goodnight Amanda, Hunter, E.J., Mandy, and Ethan." Harry said. "
Goodnight." Amanda and Ethan replied.

The What?
AdventureAmanda and her best friend Ethan are on their way through the journey of love and magic. Amanda lost almost everything. Her home town was destroyed by the Dread Pirate Roberts. Little did she know, her life was about to change for the better. Amanda...