chapter 21

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rose fell asleep in the seat toward the trunk. "for a van doesn't smell like shit." dayrl said. I rolled my eyes and played around a bit with my wrist. dayrl looked around. he leaned back in the seat and looked around. "what are you doing?"  I asked him with a curious look as I stopped playing with my scratch. dayrl crossed his legs and was looking. "we in a van gotta be some keys or somethin." dayrl said. I shock my head. I wrapped rose in a blanket. I kissed her forehead as she shifted her body. "she is growing to fast." I said. roses eyes were beautiful and she was already so big. we lost track of time it feels as if she was born just yesterday but who knows how old she is now. soon I'm sure she can crawl or even walk. her hair was growing. "ya. soon she will need a baby cross bow." dayrl said as he found a pack of cigs. he light one up. "around rose dayrl?" I said kinda covering her mouth. "I haven't had one in awhile."  dayrl said puffing it. I looked at him. he took two more puffs and put it out. he looked at me and grunted. I looked around and put a small jacket around me. "cold?" dayrl asked. I shock my head yes. he took of his vest and put it on me. I loved this vest. the white wings in the back made me feel like an angel. I smiled. "aren't you cold?" I asked him. "no." he said grunting. he leaned against the seat and  kicked off his shoes. the car began to shack a little. dayrl opened on of his eyes. "you OK?" dayrl asked. I shock my head and could barely keep my eyes open. dayrl sat up and held rose as she still was asleep." you sleep at all?" dayrl asked me. "no." dayrl was asleep for awhile. "sleep beth." he said. I feel into his lap. I closed my eyes.  I felt my wrist sweat. it burned. I felt dayrl's lips on my forehead as he kissed rose and laid her beside him. I felt  her little hand squeeze on my finger as she was snoring and breathing softly. "I love ya beth." I heard dayrl whisper. "I love you to." I said snoring away.


I felt the car shack more with a lot of moans outside. I got a little scared and sat up. "shhh." dayrl said. pressing his finger against his lips. I held my pocket knife. dayrl shock his. he pointed at his bow. "just wait for them to pass." he whispered. I laid back and dozed off.  (dream) dayrl held my hand a d kissed my lips. I felt warm sand in between my toes. I was in a pink one piece. day had a tank top on and trunks. "where's the walkers?" I said looking around. I seen a little body at the water. rose ran up to me. " mom can I use your sun glasses?" she said. "aww you talked." I said. "she is 7 beth." dayrl said. I looked at him. she laughed and ran over back to the water. I looked at Maggie and gleen splashing each other. Carl was building a sand castle with the sisters. rick had a beer by him and holding on to Laurie's waste. my dad holding my moms arm. everyone was so happy. I leaned back on the sand. (wake up) I looked over and seen rose with her fingers in mouth. she turned "da." I heard her say. I tapped dayrl awake. "what's wrong?" dayrl asked walking leaning up.  rose opened her eyes. "Dada." she said still biting her fingers. "first word." dayrl said. I smiled and rubbed her hair. "Maama." she said. I picked her up.  dayrl kissed her nose and kissed my lips. "I am a happy father." rose sat up on her own. she smiled. I had a tear of joy fall from my face. the shakes of the van was in the back part of my head. I didn't care anymore. I cut a small hole in the cloth of the blanket. "there is some sun." I said quite. dayrl looked at me. "move?" I shock my head. we packed up and dayrl grabbed rose as we quietly walked out. Daryl cut a wire and made the siren go off on the car. walkers cleared a path for us to get through. we had the blood on our cloths to make us vanish. we ran more and seen a mall. I seen above the door pharmacy. "maybe they will have a real wrap." I said looking down at my scratch again. dayrl moved rose more on his side as he grunted. walkers were following us from the parking lot. we enter through the door. dayrl had his lighter and we looked around for a wrap or brace. "here is a band aid." dayrl said unwrapping the shirt. my scratch was bleeding and had skin coming off of it. dayrl softly put  the band aid on. "it is open wide." he said.  "I'm not during I feel fine." I said as dayrl wrapped up my wrist. I heard a voice from behind me that made my jaw drop. "beth?" I heard as I slowly turned. I heard a different voice but was deeper. "dayrl?"

note: hey guys hope you guys liked this chapter. I wanna know how it is going. what do you think? please comment some ideas I should do for another book on the walking dead. I need help please do that and thanks so much for the reads. my book sucks to me but if it makes you happy I'll never stop doing that. I love you guys I really do. never stop believing in your dreams. I did but look at me now. you can do what ever you want just have faith and believe. sorry not getting all fake and Down to earth but yeah night -my weirdos

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