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Lianna walks around in the forest. Her belly round with kits. She walks towards a streaming river and stops. Lianna waits for her mate to come and meet her. Lianna sits down her tail  wraped around her paws neatly, then she hears a cat come. Lianna takes a deep breath and waits, the comes out and purrs in greeting. Lianna dips her head to the handsom tom. The tom smiles at Lianna. "Hello Lianna, my love" The Tom said. "Hello Redstar" QLianna said. Redstar walks closer to Lianna and nuzzles her. Lianna gasps and falls. Redstar runs to her side and nuzzles her and says something but Lianna doesnt listen. Redstar carried her back to Thunderclan and runs into camp with Lianna on his back. He runs to the nursery and puts her on a soft moss nest. Lianna yowls in pain. Redstar leaps on highrock and called "Clanmeeting." The medicine cat ran to Lianna helping her.  "I found this loner in pain and it looked like she was expecting kits. So I brought her here and i will ask her if she wants to join the clan." Redstar says in his deep but gental voice. Lianna yowls in pain and the medicine cat looks at Redstar "These kits are comming Redstar." He mews. Redstar nods his head "Bluewisker, can you help her?" Redstar asks his Medicine cat. Bluewisker nods and helps her to nursery. Redstar yowls "Meeting over". He waves his tail and leaps down going to His den and curla up. Lianna yowls in pain as she tries to listen to Bluewisker.

---------time skip-----------
Lianna curls up as her newborn kits start to suckle. She purrs and licks all three kits, two toms and a she-kit. "I want to stay in the clan." Lianna mews to Bluewisker. The medicine cat purrs and tells the leader the news. He comeback with Redstar. Lianna purrs and looks at her kits. "This one will be Icekit" she points her tail to the white tom who looked like her,"This brave little tom will be Hawkkit" she points her tail to the tom who looked like a mix of her and Redstar, she looked at the She-kit "I will name her Brightkit" she mews. Redstar purrs and walks out of the den thinking 'I will take good care of you my dear kits, I will love you with all my heart' he walked back to his den and curled up dreamig of him, Lianna, Hawkkit, Brightkit, amd Icekit all together in an open field, but he knew that Brightkit would be the future leader of Riverclan.

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